  • 學位論文


The Research of Teaching Recognizing Chinese Characters in the Primary Mandarin Curriculum

指導教授 : 張于忻


漢字是中國文化的瑰寶,也是外國學生學習華語的動機之一。然而,許多非漢字文化圈的學生常抱怨漢字難學,使用漢字時也容易出錯,為了解決學生的偏誤問題,本研究以識字教學的基礎研究為主軸,探討適合初級階段非漢字文化圈學生學習的漢字內容。 根據許多研究顯示,對外華語文教材的編寫還有許多缺失需待改進。本研究選定在兩岸以及美國常見的六套對外華語文初級綜合性教材作為研究的材料,考察教材中的識字教學內容,並利用電腦Access資料庫系統建立教材生詞語料庫,針對其內容進行量化與質化的分析。 接著,著重於兩岸常用字標準的比較與分析,配合字頻表,訂定出初級階段非漢字文化圈學生所學最低限度的常用字範圍,完成「500個初級優選字」的制訂工作,建議作為初級階段非漢字文化圈學生首要識字的內容,促進他們識讀漢字的能力,同時,也可作為初級華語文教材選字的依據。 最後,針對各套教材考察的結果提供教材編纂者一些建議,並以「500個初級優選字」為基礎設計常用字詞工具書,以此提供給初級華語文教材編纂者參考,希望本研究之成果能為對外華語文教學帶來一些幫助,使未來相關之研究能更臻完善,敬祈各位專家不吝指教。


Chinese characters are the treasures of the Chinese culture, and it’s one of the motives that attract foreigners to learn Chinese. However, Chinese characters are really difficult to learn for the students with non-Chinese background, as well as it’s easy to make mistakes when they use Chinese characters. In order to solve this problem, my study aims to discuss the fundamental research of teaching recognizing Chinese characters. Especially to discuss what characters are suitable for the students with non-Chinese background to learn at elementary level. Many studies have indicated that Mandarin teaching materials are not good enough and they really needed to improve. Therefore, I selected six sets of Primary Mandarin teaching materials as the research materials those are widely used in Taiwan, China and United States. To examine all the content that relevant to teach recognizing Chinese characters of those teaching materials. A corpus-based data on the vocabularies used in six Mandarin teaching materials were compiled and analyzed through Microsoft Access system. Quantitative descriptive and qualitative analyses were conducted on the data. Further, my discussions highlight the charts of standard forms of common national characters in Taiwan and China, with reference to a character frequency list. I have draw up a list of the most commonly-used 500 characters for the students with non-Chinese background at elementary level. I suggest that they should first focus on these most commonly-used 500 characters if they want to enhance basic ability in Chinese reading. At the same time, curriculum content also can be designed in accordance with this standard. Finally, it proposes some suggestions for the compilers of Mandarin teaching materials, and the “most commonly-used 500 characters”were used as the basis to design a content of the reference book. It’s available to the editors of Mandarin teaching materials. I hope that this study will served in teaching Chinese as second language and also helps Mandarin teachers and researchers to do the research. Your comments are very welcome, please let me know.




