  • 學位論文


Professional Image Building of Cosmeceutical Store-A Case Study of Company A

指導教授 : 蔡文鈞


在專業掛帥時代,無論是企業或個體,都重視專業形象的培養,除了內在的技術訓練,外在的專業形象的呈現,也成為培養重點。藥妝商店會因應多變的環境而轉變多元化的營業型態,但專業特性,一直是藥妝商店的最大優勢。眾多學者也將形象觀念應用於消費者心理學之領域來研究探討,所提出論點皆認為消費者是依據認定的事實作反應,商店的形象是他們選擇消費場所的重要因素。本研究擬在探討藥妝商店專業形象的塑造,因此藥妝商店對於專業優勢是否有助於提升形象,是過去研究較少探討的領域。 本研究透過文獻探討得出藥妝商店的商店形象構成要素,再經由商店形象提升必備要素的五個層面區分得出藥妝商店的商店形象七個構面,並細分為三十一項商店形象構成要素。鎖定具備兩種型態經營條件的A公司為研究對象,以新成立的藥妝商店經營定位為依據,採用參與觀察法紀錄,篩選出新藥妝商店經營定位為主,有十七項商店形象要素,再經由差異相較與不同層次經營管理者及顧客為訪談內容綜合探討,分析得出經過經營定位的藥妝商店,要塑造專業形象,所必須要有十三項專業形象要素,其中與專業形象構成要素的深淺程度又分為三種類型結果:第一種類型、即為具備專業形象的構成要素,只要從此要素著手,即可獲得成功塑造專業形象;第二種類型、本身具備專業形象構成要素成分,但需藉由其他構成要素支援;第三種類型、本身不具備專業形象構成要素成分,但也不影響商店的專業形象;除了依照此類型分類外並提出塑造方式,以探討得出藥妝商店專業形象的塑造方式。


藥妝商店 商店形象 專業


In the era of professional, no matter what is enterprise or personal that we have to establish the internal image of increasing for technical training or exterior internal image those are key trainings. The cosmeceutical store would be turned out a verity of business management; however the cosmeceutical store is upon professional for their big advantage. So many scholars deem the professional concept will be conducted into consumer psychology to search in order to present all of therapies are to see the truth as their reaction. What the main factor they choose to buy merchandise is store image. This essay is to discuss the cosmeceutical store how to build up their professional image, therefore whether the professional advantage can increase the image? That is less discussion we did not talk about it. This essay will go through what the main factor of image compose for the Cosmeceutical store with five of conditions to divide their seven combinations, and thirty-one details for increasing image. We focus on two type of business A company for study, as the new cosmeceutical store is based on observation for a record. And we select the business orientation of new beauty shop is priority. There are seventeen image factors that have separated the thirteen professional factor, then separated it other three type to come out a result as: 1st, with professional image, we can manage this to achieve goal. 2nd, with professional image but also needs to other support to achieve, 3rd, without any professional image but no effect the shop image. We present the how to create expect this method in order to discuss the best way to establish the professional image.


cosmeceutical store professional store image


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