  • 學位論文


A Study on Adoption Institution in Taiwan- Also Discussing The Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act

指導教授 : 戴瑀如 郭振恭


本文係討論我國收養制度之研究,本文先從聯合國兒童權利宣言中探討現代親子法之「子女最佳利益原則」,再藉由子女最佳利益發展過程所面臨的問題,來檢視我國對於子女最佳利益的保障是否足夠,藉此引伸出我國對於養子女最佳利益判斷標準直接準用親子法中之子女最佳利益判斷標準,係無法完善的作為判斷我國養子女最佳利益之標準。 接著再藉由各國法規中有關「養子女最佳利益」之判斷標準及相關規範,探討我國收養法制之發展。進而討論實體法中民法親屬編之收養規範及兒童及少年福利與權益保障法之收養規範,比較兩者間之差異並檢視這些收養要件是否有符合養子女最佳利益,藉由整理並檢討出我國法律之不足之處,以期我國關於養子女最佳利益之規範可以更加完善。 我國努力將養子女最佳利益之精神貫徹在我國收養法規之中,但在研究時發現,收養相關之法規上對於養子女最佳利益之判斷標準,在適用上的確有不足之處,且亦有不合時宜之規定。本文在論文最末章中,提出檢討及相關之立法建議,希望有助於我國收養法制之完善及保障養子女最佳利益。


This article discusses the study of Adoption law in Taiwan,. The purpose of the this study was to investigate the bes interest of the adoptive child. The survey concluded:(a) chapter 2, reviewed The Declaration on the Rights of the Child points out that the guiding principle of the modern adoption law is "the best interests of the child." (b) chapter 3, reviewed the adoption law in the Civil Code and confirm the best interest of child had Implement in the Civil Code.(c) chapter 4, discussed The Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act. (d) Reviewed the Civil Code and The Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act,and found the issue out. The result of the study were that our adoption law was used the best interest of child principle in Article 1079- 1, The court shall approve the adoption of the minor based upon the best interest of the adoptive child. and The court may apply mutatis mutandis to the Article 1055-1 when the court rules pursuant to the the Article 1079-1, but only this criterion is not enough, therefore, the study would suggest the Judgment standard of the best interest of the adoptive child, and the some specific legislative recommendations to protect the best interest of the adoptive child.


1. 史尚寬,親屬法論,自版,1969年。
2. 林秀雄,親屬法講義,元照出版有限公司,2012年7月。
3. 林菊枝,親屬法專題研究,五南圖書公司,1982年3月初版。
