  • 學位論文


Study of The New Volumetric-Error Measurement Method and System for Micro CNC Machining Center

指導教授 : 王世明


Non-MEMS精微加工技術已是精密工業發展的重要關鍵技術之一,但國際上針對CNC精微工具機的體積誤差量測及同動誤差校驗的研究仍非常少,且由於精微工具機機台的尺寸與空間的限制,使得一般接觸式量測無法適用於精微工具機上,然而相關技術是精微加工技術普及應用於工業上所必需的。基此,在此研究中將藉由整合影像辨識、影像追蹤、誤差辨識法則、座標轉換及誤差源靈敏度分析等方法,再搭配影像擷取系統,發展可直接安裝於精微工具機上之非接觸式機上誤差量測方法。其研究重點包含有: (1) 有能力於加工前檢測出機台體積誤差,供組裝人員參考;(2) 有能力分析機台體積誤差特性,供使用者了解機台各區段之加工精度;(3)旋轉誤差校驗,有能力校驗具旋轉自由機台的旋轉軸精度;(4)建立視覺檢測方法,滿足精微機台的檢測需求。除此之外,研究中也規劃將該系統安裝於研究室所研發的精微工具機上,進行靈敏度分析與實機量測實驗,以分析方法的精度特性及驗證其精確性與可靠度驗證結果。


Non-MEMS micro machining technology has been regarded as one of the key technologies for the development of precision industry. However, very less research efforts had been devoted in developing volumetric error measurement method and synchronous movement error calibration. Due to the workspace constraints of a micro machine tool, the current measurement methods used in industry cannot be applied. With use of image identification/tracking, coordinate transformation and sensitivity analysis, the volumetric-error measurement method and system for micro CNC machining center with use of image capture system were developed in this study. The methods provide 4 main functions: (1) volumetric error measurement, (2) error characteristics analysis, (3) Rotation accuracy measurement (4) convenient human-machine interface with graphical display for micro machine tool.In addition to develop the methods and systems, sensitivity analysis was made. Micro machining experiments were conducted on a micro machine tool to verify the feasibility and reliability of the developed system.


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