  • 學位論文


The Satisfaction Analysis among Long-term Care Facility Residents Families:A study of the W Nursing Home in Taoyuan

指導教授 : 蔡文鈞


綜觀長期照顧需求之急遽擴大,皆受人口結構持續老化,家庭結構改變,婦女就業人口遞增及少子化現象的影響,造成傳統大家庭之照護功能喪失;加上醫療衛生的進步,國民平均餘命延長,疾病類型的發展也傾向於不可逆的慢性狀況增加,接踵而來的是身心功能不良或障礙及衰老的人口逐年成長;造成老年慢性病患者及身體障礙者對社會的需求與依賴也轉趨增加,顯見長期照護的重要性。 台灣推動長期照護實行已逾20年,政府「長照十年計畫2.0」政策,在2015年5月15日由立法院完成三讀通過﹐正式於2017年開始推展。雖然政府極力推動社區化長期照顧之概念在地老化政策(ag1ng in place),但對長期照顧機構之需求日益增加。 台灣目前的長期照護機構,包括有護理之家、養護中心及安養機構等等,隸屬於不同的主管部門,但以衛生福利部轄下的護理之家設置標準最高,能收容照護的範圍也最廣,故本研究以此為研究對象,依據文獻探討後所歸納影響機構照護品質的因素向某護理之家之住民家屬進行滿意度調查,希望藉由此調查分析結果來訂定改善方案,並提高照護品質,希冀做出好的口碑,再配合政府政策積極拓展社區人脈,取得社區民眾的信任感,進而發展社區健康照護與健康促進,讓長照事業能在地深耕,永續經營。


Looking at the rapid expansion of long-term care needs, the population structure continues to age, the family structure changes, the women's employment population increases and the phenomenon of minority births, resulting in the loss of the care function of the traditional big family; plus the progress of health care, the average national life Prolonged, the development of disease types also tends to increase irreversible chronic conditions, followed by physical and mental dysfunction or impaired and aging population growth year by year; the demand and dependence of society for elderly patients with chronic diseases and physical disabilities has also increased The importance of long-term care is evident. Taiwan has promoted long-term care for more than 20 years. The government’s policy of “Long-term Ten-Year Plan 2.0” was adopted by the Legislative Yuan on May 15, 2015, and officially launched in 2017. Although the government is pushing for the concept of community-based long-term care in the aging policy, there is an increasing demand for long-term care institutions. Taiwan's current long-term care institutions, including nursing homes, maintenance centers, and security agencies, are subordinate to different authorities, but the standards for care homes under the Ministry of Health and Welfare are the highest, and the range of care can be accommodated. The most extensive, this study is based on this study, based on the literature to analyze the factors affecting the quality of care of the institution to the satisfaction of the family members of a nursing home, hope to use the results of the survey to determine the improvement plan, And improve the quality of care, hope to make a good reputation, and then cooperate with the government policy to actively expand community contacts, gain the trust of the community, and then develop community health care and health promotion, so that the long-lighting business can be deep-rooted and sustainable.


范光中;許永,河台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌, 5(3), 2010
