  • 學位論文


Use Game-based Tangible User Interface to build up Computational Thinking ability for preschool children .

指導教授 : 林斯寅


電腦科技不斷進步改變大眾使用科技的習慣,近年世界各國提倡兒童程式教育,期許下一代能從使用者轉變成創造者,進而提升國家競爭力。在國外K-12教育,泛指6至18歲學童,以及國內十二年國教,運算思維成為重要的教育核心。目前兒童程式邏輯教育,研究對象多為國小至國中學童,較少著重在學齡前之幼兒園學童身上,但學齡前兒童已具備基本邏輯認知能力,要如何利用有效的情境與方法來適當引導學齡前兒童認知與學習程式邏輯概念與問題解決能力,進而提升運算思維能力是本研究的問題。   在此研究中,將探討運算思維(Computational Thinking)對學齡前兒童的幫助,提出一個以遊戲式學習(Game-based Learning)為基礎的教學方法,來提升幼兒對運算思維與程式邏輯的學習興趣,透過反覆練習的過程,進而提升問題解決能力,此方法也將針對學齡前兒童在學習互動與環境中的特性,而設計實體使用者介面(Tangible User Interface),確實降低幼兒在學習運算思維與程式邏輯上的認知負荷,達成學習成效。


Many countries promote programming education for children in recent years. They expect the children can not only use digital devices and equipment, but also know the logical and fundamental software operations. It can enhance national competitiveness. Therefore, In K-12 and 12-year Compulsory Education, computational thinking becomes the core of education in some countries. Nowadays, most educations of programming for children focus on the students of elementary school and junior high school. It focus less on the preschool children. However, the preschool children already have the basic logic cognitive ability to learn the skill of computational thinking. This study proposed a Game-based Learning (GBL) teaching approach to integrate Tangible User Interface (TUI) to help preschool children to learn computational thinking and programming logical easily, and decrease the cognitive load in the learning process.


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