  • 學位論文


A Study of Personified Characters Applied to the Creation of the Alphabet Book

指導教授 : 陳靜宜


英語學習一直是種必要趨勢與競爭優勢,教育部更開始推動雙語教育,企圖使英語成為一種必備技能。根據國家教育研究院資料顯示,在小學階段,教育部自1998年開始即將英語課程納入「九年一貫課程綱要」,並於2005年起,實施英語向下延伸至小學三年級開始實施英語課程,而在語言學習上,一直有雙峰現象,程度落差甚大。此外,國小學童在面對生活缺乏正向價值觀,對生活狀態無感,影響其行為與思想,甚至從學習狀態即可看見受態度影響的蛛絲馬跡。為解決此一教學困境,在語言能力方面,除了實施差異化教學策略外,更將重心放於積極正向的價值觀的養成,進而擁有良好的品格。因此本研究以字母書為主題進行創作,企圖以語言學習的基礎為媒介,再以情境呈現語言,同時融入擬人化角色的設計,引導學童正向積極的價值觀以及想像力的開發。 在研究方法上,首先先進行文獻梳理,從字母書的歷史、內容、型式以及類型的整理,再進一步探討字母書的教育意義,除了語言之外,更輔以情意目標作為探討範圍,因此透過擬人化角色的運用,達成情意目標。擬人化角色透過如同儕與楷模般的角色傳遞訊息給學童時能更有渲染力,使學童在語言學習的同時,更能養成正向價值觀。在執行創作前,更於文獻探討後接續字母書相關案例分析,以符合情境脈絡與擬人化角色之字母書為對象,進行擬人化與教育意義兩大主軸分析。 歸納與統整前述之文獻梳理與案例分析,執行擬人化角色應用於字母書的創作,以情境脈絡的故事型態為主軸,融入擬人化角色於其中,此字母書分為兩部分,其一為情境脈絡,其二為字母與代表單字之呈現,如此能針對不同英語程度之國小學童有因材施教之功能性。


擬人化 角色 字母書


English learning is an inevitable trend and competitive advantage nowadays. MOE(Ministry of Education) has launched the Bilingual Education Program aiming at equipping students in the future with English language necessarily. English class has been taken in elementary school since 1998. For English learning, it is bimodal distribution of students’ English ability that has been an impending issue. Moreover, students don’t have positive value toward their lives that result in dull thinking and negative behaviors. To solve the problem in English teaching, in addition to different teaching methods applied in class, I would rather design an alphabet book featuring the emphasis on how to cultivate students with positive value that leads to great character traits toward their lives. The study mainly focuses on the creation of the alphabet book incorporating personified characters and discuss the educational impacts on personified characters and alphabet books. For research methods, first of all, I clarify the discussion from the history, the contents, the forms, and the genres of alphabet books to the definition, the ways of personified characters used in creations. Next, I discuss the educational impacts on alphabet books and personified characters that guide students to pay more attention to the positive value for great character traits. At last, I analyze different alphabet books mainly based on the stories and personified characters applied in books. I put previous clarifications, discussions and analysis on alphabet books into practice. The creation was featured with personified characters incorporating into the alphabet book to convey positive value toward lives. There are two parts for the alphabet books. One is for the context created by the story, and the other is language focus for different proficiency levels of students.


Personification Characters Alphabet book


 英語教學的困境與因應對策。國立教育研究院籌備處第102 期國小校長儲訓 
