  • 學位論文


The Study of Applying Picture Books in Young Children’s Character Education

指導教授 : 林楚欣


本研究旨在應用繪本設計以「尊重」與「關懷」為核心的幼兒品德教育課程,並探討其實施成效及困境與因應策略。 為達研究之目的,研究者以服務學校,台北市天使完全中學附設幼兒園(化名)之8位幼兒為研究對象,年齡是四~六歲,進行十八週的行動研究。藉由教學實錄、省思札記、研究夥伴的討論與觀察的建言、家長回饋等進行資料分析,歸納研究結果如下: 壹、研究者以「尊重」與「關懷」為核心,應用繪本,完成了18週幼兒品德教育的課程設計。 貳、品德教育課程實施成效 一、品德繪本對於幼兒品德學習上具有其吸引力與影響力,且在品德教學後增加幼兒對瞭解品德概念的興趣,並加以身體力行,在家庭生活及學校生活中對於尊重與關懷兩項品德核心概念之實踐有良好表現。 叁、品德教育課程面臨的實施困境與因應策略 一、遭遇困境:幼兒參與度不高、動畫檔案內容不完整、繪本內容未能扣緊核心價值、討論問題設計不均、研究夥伴對品德教育認知不足、課程設計無法落實、幼兒行為干擾課程進行。 二、因應困境:放慢腳步延長幼兒候答時間、重新製作文本簡報、討論時提示有不同的概念、課程設計強化多元豐富、組讀書會、課程依實際教學做適當的調整、運用行為改變技術。 肆、研究者省思與成長 一、教師應提升個人專業成長,增進觀察與省思能力。 二、教師以身作則,主動適時尊重與關懷幼兒,有益教學效果。 最後根據研究結果提出相關的建議,以供未來研究及其他幼兒園實施品德教育之參考。


尊重 品德教育 幼兒 關懷


The purpose of this paper is to examine the application of character education in educating young children about respect and caring. Through the on-the-ground research, the author discovered several important lessons learned when implementing character education curriculum in a preschool. As part of the research, the author studied and observed eight students between age of four and six years old at the experimental concept preschool of the Taipei Angel Secondary School for over 18-week period. Her research was based on collection of observatory notes, discussions with research partners and learning journal from students’ parents. Here is a summary of the research: 1 The researcher’s focus was teaching caring and respect through character education. The preschool curriculum was 18 weeks long. 2 The success of character education curriculum. 2.1 Character education has its attraction and influence on children. The research showed that it increased children's interest in understanding the concept of morality and ethical behaviors, both in family and school lives. Ultimately, the curriculum increased young children’s understanding of respect and caring. 3 Lessons learned from teaching caring and respect through character education. 3.1 There are several lessons learned while teaching character education curriculum: The research found several implementation challenges. For example, lack of general knowledge of character education among parents and teachers, limited research on how to use character education properly in the classroom, and different values in individual children, which all issues encountered by the researcher. 3.2 Recommendations on how to overcome issues raised in teaching character education: The researcher found several options to help students, teachers, parents and schools understand character education. For example, a teachers’ book club focused on teaching character education helped preschool teachers understand the knowledge of the character education. It was important to allow students to adjust to the new curriculum; moreover, assisted parents to understand the reason in change of teaching method. The core of character education is dynamic and flexible. The researcher found that it was important to adjust the methods according to different students. Some students gained understanding of character education via multimedia, which was a key instrument in introducing the topics of caring and respect. 4 Learning experience and personal reflection of the researcher. 4.1 Professional development was important for teachers wanting to implement character education. Teachers took the time to learn about the curriculum showed better teaching knowledge of character education. 4.2 The researcher found that teaching good character is more than just talking about it. A teacher acted with respect and caring was the best tool to teach character education. This is well-known in the education community. Students learn what they see. Based on the finding of the research, the author hopes that her lessons learned can contribute to the study of character education and be a reference for other educators who consider using this method to educate the future generations.


