  • 學位論文


A Study on Handling of Improperly Obtained Properties by Political Parties During Martial Law Period

指導教授 : 史慶璞


2016 年我國的社會共識之一正是實踐轉型正義,但處理不當黨產的議題持續引發爭 論。對國民黨黨產來源的正當性一直是臺灣民主政治上備受爭議的焦點之一。特別係針對 黨產威權時刻不當利益所得之部分的處理追繳法制化,是否合憲爭議仍未平息。本研究旨 在透過回顧歷史事實,從轉型正義落實的角度探討國民黨取得此等財產所有權、經營權、 與獨佔事業建立之歷史發展脈絡;期以於事實及法律上,還原歷史真相,避免《黨產條例》 的合憲性爭議。本研究採用「文獻分析法」及「歷史研究法」,梳理我國的轉型正義概念下 的不當黨產處置的內涵與界限,並以《黨產條例》立法發展歷程為研究對象,分析是否能 遵守法治國原則之諸項法律保留、不溯及既往、信賴保護原則等需求,同時兼顧「黨國分 治」與實質落實轉型正義之期待。研究結果陳述如下: 一、2000 年起,政府開始針對國民黨不當黨產進行清查與追討。2016 年通過《政黨 及其附隨組織不當取得財產處理條例》並成立了「不當黨產處理委員會」。而處理不當黨 產之現有相關法令規範包括十項條例、細則、公告、說明、辦法、注意事項、閱覽須知等。 二、轉型正義的最終目標應是進展到一個公民信任、民主鞏固的社會;課責、真相回 復、和解、制度的革新及賠償這五個面向是環環相扣,相互影響的。 三、存在三大爭議:1、不當黨產條例存在爭議,爭議包括是否針對特定政黨;是否肆 意擴張時效及不確定法律概念越權;舉證責任、証實推定、逕行移轉及禁止處分、強制執 行等司法程式設置。2、黨產會組織部分存在爭議,爭議包括,黨產會的設置的是否符合憲 法。3、黨產會職權部分存在爭議,爭議包括,行使調查權之手段與處罰處分與推定方式逕 行各項處分行為及附隨組織行政調查是否符合憲法。 三、建議將來應實踐轉型正義應減少許多副作用與社會成本;轉型正義目的應朝向和 解的促成。未來我國對民主價值應經由對話建立共識,而正義價值體系應經由民間人士與 社會運動者之建立,來面對轉型正義的問題。


不當黨產 轉型正義


Practicing transformational justice is the social consensus of our country in 2016, but the debate over the issue of improper party property disposal is still ongoing. The legitimacy of the source of the Kuomintang's property has always been one of the most controversial focal points in Taiwan's democratic politics. In particular, whether the legalization of the disposal and recovery of the part of improper benefits obtained at the moment of the party's authoritarian property is constitutional or not has not yet subsided. The purpose of this study is to review historical facts and explore the historical development context of the Kuomintang’s acquisition of property ownership, management rights, and monopoly from the perspective of the implementation of transformational justice; it hopes to restore the historical truth based on facts and laws, and avoid the constitutional dispute of the Party Property Regulations. This study sorts out the connotation and boundaries of improper party property disposal under the concept of transformational justice in our country according to the Document Analysis Method and Historical Research Method, takes the legislative development process of the Party Property Regulations as the research object to analyze whether it can comply with the requirements of the principles of rules by law, such as legal retention, non-retroactivity, and trust protection principles, and also take into account the Party and State Separate Government and the expectation of substantive implementation of transformational justice. The results of the study are stated as follows: 1. Since 2000, the government began to investigate and recover the Kuomintang's improper party property. In 2016, the Regulations on Improper Acquisition of Property by Political Parties and Their Affiliated Organizations" was passed and the "Committee on improper acquisition of property by political parties" was established. The existing relevant laws and regulations on improper disposal of party property include ten regulations, 4 detailed rules, announcements, instructions, methods, precautions, reading instructions, etc. 2. The recovery of party property should not be a proper means of transformational justice. The ultimate goal of transformational justice should be to develop into a society with citizens' trust and democratic consolidation; the five aspects of accountability, truth recovery, reconciliation, system innovation and compensation are closely linked and interact with each other. 3. There are three major disputes: 1) There are disputes over improper party property regulations, including whether to target specific parties; whether to arbitrarily expand the statute of limitations and whether to have uncertain legal concepts beyond the power; The judicial procedures such as burden of proof, presumption of proof, transfer of operation, prohibition of punishment and enforcement are set up. 2) There are some disputes about the organization of the Party Property Association, including whether the Party Property Association is set up in accordance with the constitution. 3) There are disputes over the functions and powers of the Party Property Association, including whether the means of exercising the right of investigation, the methods of punishment and presumption, the various disciplinary actions and the affiliated organization's administrative investigation are in conformity with the Constitution. 4. It is suggested that many side effects and social costs should be reduced when the transformational justice is implemented in the future; the purpose of transformational justice should be towards reconciliation. In the future, Taiwan should establish consensus on democratic value through dialogue when Taiwan faces the issue of transformational justice, and establish the value of justice and rebuild the value system through the people and social activists.


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1992 年 10 月。
1. 王金壽,臺灣的司法獨立改革與國民黨侍從主義的崩潰,臺灣政治學刊,
