  • 學位論文


Segmentation-Tailored and Micro-Segmentation Marketing:An Exploration of the Value of Analytical Customer Relationship Management

指導教授 : 劉士豪


Christensen和Raynor(2004)所提倡的新市場破壞性創新,說明企業應尋求尚未被其他業者發掘或滿足的市場缺口作為企業利基,以求得更多的長期利潤。而這裡所指的市場缺口,其實就是行銷學上所說的微區隔(Micro-segmentation)。然而,處於多元資訊充斥的背景下,市場早已由靜態環境轉變為動態環境,企業很難單靠傳統的市場區隔作法,以切割市場大餅來與其他業者競爭。 擁有顧客與公司互動之所有資訊的顧客關係管理系統(Customer Relationship Management;CRM)向來都被賦予和顧客維持良好互動、提供合適服務給需求族群等重大使命。實際上,因為顧客關係管理系統的後端分析功能,也就是分析型顧客關係管理(Analytical Customer Relationship Management;ACRM),被視為是企業追求精進之顧客關係的主要工具,縱使多數的企業管理者缺乏系統分析的概念,他們還是願意一窩蜂的投資於分析型顧客關係管理上。可惜的是,分析型顧客關係管理的整合性資料庫及全面分析功能,也將會因為缺乏具備行銷、統計概念之資訊操作人才和完善的資料分析操作流程,而失去發掘隱含現象以輔助企業策略規劃的價值。 故本研究以提升分析型顧客關係管理應用價值為出發點,從文獻探討中歸納出可提升微區隔辨識之區隔調整策略的五大步驟為「從資料中發現」、「分析此現象組合的意涵」、「用變數衡量出該意涵所涉略族群特性」、「策略方案規劃」及「策略執行與回饋修正」,並挑選六家應用分析型顧客關係管理系統的個案進行次級資料研究,以及訪談國內六家公司,觀察其顧客關係管理之後端分析的作業流程,共歸納了十七個強化微區隔辨識的關鍵要素。研究發現,依據各企業執行方案規劃作法的不同,又可分為「以資料為基礎」和「以商品為基礎」兩個概念,前者可以文獻所導出的區隔調整步驟來進行,而後者則需將步驟二獨立於步驟一之前,先拆解該商品或服務預期被賦予的意涵,藉由分析結果再去修正目標客群。 研究產出的區隔調整策略係以動態分析的概念來輔助企業進行行銷規劃,此應用程序能修正傳統的區隔方式,提升從龐大資料量中辨識微區隔的能力;而十七個強化微區隔辨識之關鍵要素也可幫助企業進行分析型顧客關係管理應用時,能擁有更詳盡的思考依據,以發展出更具獲利性的各種方案。


New-market disruption, a term identified by Christensen and Raynor in 2004, is the notion that industries should try to locate new segments or ones still worthy of endeavor. It is similar to what is known as “micro-segmentation” in marketing. However, in today’s super-information environment, the once static marketplace has transformed into a fluid state of abundant data. If industries want to compete in the global market, they should change their methods of segmentation so that it may adapt to the changeable marketplace. All industries expect the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, which combines database and analysis tools, to help them service customers better. It is the convenient analytical functions of the CRM system that makes it palatable with most industries. Analysts are willing to invest a lot of time and money in Analytical Customer Relationship Management (ACRM) – a constituent of the CRM system: however most of them do not possess enough skill to use ACRM to its fullest potential. It is therefore unfortunate that ACRM will lose much of its value if actions are not revised within the industry. There are two procedures a company can take. One is to hire and train those with backgrounds in statistics, marketing, and systems operation. The Second is to use methods that will raise the value of ACRM within the company. This paper will focus on methods to raise the value of ACRM. Summed up are five basic activities of segmentation-tailored strategy from previous studies and documents. They are “Find,” “Define,” “Select,” “Plan” and “Refine.” This paper will also generalize 17 key points which can be used as strengthening the identification of micro-segmentation in databases. It is evident that the segmentation-tailored strategy has two procedures, depending on the conceptions analysts used. The first one is “data-based” and the second one is “product-based”. In actuality, the segmentation-tailored procedure of the data-based conception is the same as what is summed up from documents. On the other hand, when an analyst uses the product-based conception he should change the order of activities. The procedure will then become “Define,” “Find,” “Select,” “Plan” and “Refine.” Such an order can let analysts know what the real meaning of the product first. Afterwards, they can keep refining segmentation and choose the best segment to invest. The segmentation-tailored strategy, which uses the conception of changeable market, helps industries design marketing programs well. This strategy is more malleable to meet the complicated global environment. The 17 key points can also give analysts a wider scope of the customer data used for designing marketing programs.


霍文達譯,Adrian J. Slywotzky, David J. Morrison, Ted Moser, Kevin A. Mundt, James A. Quella原著,《利潤模式》,中國生產力中心,2000,頁129-133、256-291。


