  • 學位論文

由台灣消費者觀點比較兩岸廣告文案 之知覺廣告效果差異

The Comparison of the Influence of Advertising copy and Product Category on Advertising Effect between Taiwan and China by Taiwan Consumer's Viewpoint

指導教授 : 王如鈺


海峽兩岸的商業貿易日益繁盛,但因著兩岸價值觀的差異,使得在互動交流易產生誤解。本研究嘗試了解,面對兩岸之民眾往來日趨頻繁,兩岸消費者能自網路上獲取對岸產品廣告訊息之狀況下,兩岸消費者面對相同的品牌產品,在兩岸所呈現的廣告若有差異,則消費者對該產品在廣告知覺是否趨於不一致? 本研究發現,台灣消費者在面對不同類型的兩岸廣告文案時,所顯示的結果亦有不同。雖然台灣和中國大陸同屬一個地理區位,使用相同語言,但仍須視做二個不同文化圈來做執行,才能得到更高的廣告效果,進而提升既有的廣告效益。而在不同的產品類型和不同的消費者分群下,其知覺廣告效果差異也會有所不同。 整體而言,廣告文案會隨地區性市場結構、社會價值等因素有所改變,各地間的文化習性與內涵上也會使之有所差異。因此兩岸廣告雖然已可以突破簡繁體文字的轉變,地理疆界隔閡等問題,但是在訊息的表達上仍有文化差異。


The cross-strait commercial trade is being more prosperous, but cultural values which cause the interaction to exchange easily to have the misunderstanding, are different. This research attempts to understand the intercourse of the cross-strait populace being frequent. The cross-strait consumer can get information of the product advertisement from the internet. The cross-strait consumer face the same brand, if the advertisement copy has the different content, then consumer’s advertisement consciousness whether tends to be inconsistent or not? This research discovers the Taiwan consumer when faces the different types of the cross-strait advertisement copy which shows the different advertisement effect. Although Taiwan and mainland China are in the same geography position and use same language, they should be treated as different parts. That way could obtain the higher advertisement effect, and promote the advertisement benefit. Under the different types of products and the different kinds of consumers, the advertisement effect will be different. All in all, the advertisement copy can be changed with market construction and social value. Cultural habit and the connotation in different areas also can make the advertisement copy have a difference. Therefore the cross-strait advertisement although has been allowed to break through the simple and traditional writing and the question of geography border barrier. However, expressing the information still has the cultural differences.


翟治平、樊志育 (2002),廣告設計學,台北:揚智文化事業股份有限公司。


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