  • 學位論文


The Study of high-fibre Wastewater Treatment by Using Membrane Bioreactor

指導教授 : 游勝傑


本研究利用中原薄膜中心所研發之PTFE薄膜與某商業K膜,以各種不同的試程如好氧批次生物處理(Aerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor, ASBR)、厭氧批次生物處理(Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor ,ANSBR)、好氧薄膜生物處理(Aerobic Membrane Bioreactor, AMBR)、好氧薄膜生物處理加RO逆滲透(AMBR /RO)、厭氧批次生物處理與好氧薄膜生物處理(AOMBR)及厭氧批次生物處理與好氧薄膜生物處理加RO逆滲透(AOMBR/RO),在不同的水力停留時間下來進行某製藥工廠含高纖維廢水之處理,對其放流水水質及水回收再利用可行性進行探討。 在ASBR程序操作下,在水力停留時間12小時以上,TCOD去除率可達76%以上,BOD去除率可達87%以上,而到了8小時TCOD去除率剩下65%,但BOD去除率仍有82%,而在最短的4小時下操作時,TCOD去除率只剩下38%,BOD去除率也只剩下43%,顯示若要利用ASBR程序處理高纖維廢水則將水力停留時間控制在12小時以上,則可達到良好的效果。 在AMBR程序中,即使將水力停留時間控制在4小時下,TCOD去除率仍有94%,BOD去除率也可達98%,顯示在此程序中,只要注意不要出現泡沫化的情形就能夠將水體中的TCOD與BOD大幅去除掉,而若要期待可以符合放流水標準(COD<100 mg/L,BOD<30 mg/L),則可將水力停留時間控制在12小時以上。另外在此試程中作了中原薄膜與某商業K膜的比較,其放流水TCOD與BOD在各項試程中皆是相差不多的,所以在本研究中,兩片薄膜皆能達到良好的去除效果。 而在AMBR/RO程序中,由於在MBR出流水中已可得到良好的水質。所以在水力停留時間8小時以上,其TCOD去除率皆在99%以上,放流水BOD更是幾乎偵測不到的。但要注意在水力停留時間為4小時的時候,由於MBR放流水濃度較高,使得RO放流水也隨之便高,本研究推測可能是因為濃度極化現象導致。 在AOMBR程序中,在水力停留時間12小時以上,其TCOD與BOD去除率分別為97%與98%,與AMBR程序相差不多,但到了水力停留時間8小時,TCOD與BOD去除率分別只剩下84%與96%,到了4小時的時候只剩下61%與88%,顯示厭氧槽無法復在短時間下操作,也使整個程序的處理水質變差。而在AOMBR/RO程序中,由於MBR放流水濃度的增加,也使其在水力停留時間8小時與4小時皆產生濃度極化的可能,而使其放流水濃度升高。 在AMBR與AOMBR程序下,皆在外觀偏黃、水體中甚少結合餘氯及大腸桿菌偵測的到的情形下無法符合各項水回收標準,在可透過加入適量次氯酸鈉與氨氮,使其結合與大腸桿菌符合標準,但在AMBR程序中,其仍TDS濃度過高,而AOMBR程序則是總鹼度過高。 在AMBR/RO與AOMBR/RO程序中,由於RO能有效地處理水中鹽類 (如鈣、鎂等硬度雜質)、重金屬、化學殘留物質達百分之九十五以上,且對色度去除效果也十分良好,因此將出流水變為透明無色、大腸桿菌也完全被去除、TDS與鹼度也得到良好的去除,因此在此兩程序中,只要在水體中加入次氯酸鈉與氨氮,使其結合餘氯符合水回收標準即可,但要注意濃度極化的問題會使其RO出流水水質惡化。


In this study, the performancr of Aerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor (ASBR),Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor (ANSBR),Aerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AMBR), AMBR/RO, Anerobic-Oxic Membrane Bioreactor (AOMBR), AOMBR/RO processes treating pharmacy waste water that includes high fibre in different HRT was investigated and compared for effluent water quality and retrieve and utilize feasibility.This research utilized PTFE membrane and commercial K membrane the membrane centre of Central Plains to research and develop to treat waste water in MBR. In ASBR procedure, when HRT was over 12 hours, the removal efficiency of TCOD and BOD can be more than 76% and 87%. In 8 hours, the removal efficiency of TCOD and BOD become 65% and 82%. When operate under the shortest 4 hours, the removal efficiency of TCOD and BOD is 38% and 43% only left. If using ASBR procedure to treate the high fibre waste water want to have treate efficiency, it must control HRT in above 12 hours. In AMBR procedure, even control HRT under 4 hours, the removal efficiency of TCOD and BOD stills have 94% and 98%. It show that can remove TCOD and BOD in this water without foaming in this procedure. If want to accord with effluent standard (COD<100 mg/L, BOD<30 mg/L), it should control HRT in above 12 hours. In this procedure, Central Plains membrane and a commercial K membrane to compare the removal efficiency of TCOD and BOD are similar. So in this research, the two membrane can have good removal efficiency.In AMBR/RO procedure, control HRT under 8 hours, the removal efficiency of TCOD and BOD stills have 94% and 100%. In AOMBR procedure, HRT more than of 12 hours, the removal efficiency of TCOD and BOD are 97% and 98% respectively. It is similar to AMBR procedure. But HRT in 8 hour, the removal efficiency of TCOD and BOD become 84% and 96%. In 4 hour, it becomes 61% and 88%. It show that anerobic tank can not operate under short time. Among AOMBR/RO procedure, control HRT under 8 hours, the removal efficiency of TCOD and BOD stills have 91% and 98%. At AMBR and AOMBR procedure, all effluent are yellow and have less combined chlorines and E-coli. It can be through add NaClO and NH to make it accord with the standard. But among AMBR procedure, TDS concentration is still too high. And in AOMBR procedure, total Soda degree concentration is still too. In AMBR/RO and AOMBR/RO procedure, the effluent water will turn into transparent and colourless. E-coli is all removal. TDS and soda degree also have good removal efficiency. Because RO can deal with effectively water salinly, heavy metal and chemistry remain materials more than 95%. And it has good removal efficiency for color. So in two procedures, it only have to add NaClO and NH in influent lead to effluent accords with combine chlorine standard.


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