  • 學位論文


A Case Study For Those Key Successful Factors In An Exclusive Franchising System For Children’s Extracurricular Education at Taoyuan, Taiwan

指導教授 : 曲祉寧


論文摘要 近年來在連鎖加盟經營模式推波助瀾下,以招收兒童為對象的兒童補教機構蓬勃發展,一些較具規模的連鎖體系以大量的媒體行銷;強力的品牌推廣,往往使家長趨之若鶩。使得部分業者在競爭的壓力下,紛紛尋找加盟總部,加入連鎖加盟體系。反之,一些堅持教育理念與品質的業者,卻因未有品牌的優勢,面臨招生上的挫折。 因此,兒童補教業者如何在競爭激烈環境裡維持教育品質,亦能保有優勢,獲致成功?連鎖加盟是否為提升競爭力模式?其掌握成功的關鍵因素為何?應為業者欲瞭解的。本論文將由連鎖加盟經營管理的方向,探討兒童補教產業創造良好績效之關鍵成功因素。 研究方向擬以一個成功且發展中的連鎖加盟體系為對象,探討其最初推動加盟的過程、拓展的策略、所具備的條件等,並分析其經營的關鍵成功因素。為達此目的,先以電話問卷調查了解桃園地區兒童補教業連鎖加盟現況,並依調查結果選擇桃園地區一連鎖加盟體系SBE美語做為個案研究對象,此體系成立六年,加盟教室及學生數量均持續成長。在方法上以質性分析為主,並對加盟總部負責人、加盟業主等進行深入訪談,以瞭解經營成功與失敗之原因所在。 經過資料分析後,本研究發現:一、個案負責人學經歷豐富,能融合學識及教學經驗,研發教材及編寫相關書籍之能力。二、直營店經營成功的經驗,是最初吸引其他同業主動要求加盟的原因,也因為業者主動,合作之初可以相互包容,緊密合作,創造經營成長的契機。三、以「知識排他性」方式選擇加盟教室,在經營及教學理念結合下共創品牌口碑,減少後續溝通與輔導的人力投入。四、以資訊網站、少量有線電視、寫書、演講、辦比賽等「多元行銷方式」來推廣品牌,支出成本不高,且未把廣告費用轉嫁至加盟教室。相較於其它在媒體投入大量廣告,並把高額費用分攤至加盟教室有顯著不同。五、低額之續約金,降低加盟教室成本,並以協助經營成長來提高效益,維繫加盟者長期合作之意願。六、歸納出加盟總部及加盟教室其他關鍵成功因素供業者參考。最後本研究提出對加盟總部、加盟教室業者及未來研究之建議。


Abstract In Taiwan, the extracurricular business for child education obtains somesignificant growth after the institutional revolution introduced the franchi- ising system in recent years. Via marketing strategies, some large child education franchising institutions successfully attract parents to purchase their services. Thus, the brand name of franchising system becomes one of critical managerial or marketing resource. Since the competition of the market is fierce, some miniature institutions participate a franchising system to obtain the useful marketing and management supports. The other miniature institutions which refuse to be a member of a franchising system often findso difficult to nurture their business due to the insufficient capability of management. This study is to explore the process of initial franchise promotion, strategy of expansion, the external environment and Key Success Factor of management. This study has the following seven findings. First, all owners of the franchising system we studied have the ability to integrate academic knowledge and educational experience, to develop instructional materials, and to compile related books. Second, successful experience of a directly operated business will attract other competitors to request franchising proactively. It creates a harmonious and close-knit cooperation atmosphere and opportu- nities for operation growth. Third, using the method of ”knowledge exclu- lusivity”to select franchise classrooms, a brand reputation will be esta- blished with the combination of management and instructional visions, so less manpower needs to be devoted to follow-up communication and counseling. Fourth, using diverse marketing methods such as informational websites, limited cable television ads, writing books, making speeches, and holding competitions to promote the brand does not cost much. Also the advertising costs will not be transferred to the franchisees. On the contrary, some mega institutions have bought many advertisements from the media, and transferred the high costs to the franchisees. Fifth, low costs of contract renewal decreases the costs of franchisee which obtain resources to grow, and thus are more willing to engage in long-term cooperation. Sixth, the Key Success Factor of the franchise headquarters and other franchisees are summarized for reference of other business owners. Finally, this study provides some suggestions forthe franchise headquarters, franchisees, and for future researchers.


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