  • 學位論文


Designing a Rule Base System for Mobile Healthcare with Petri Net

指導教授 : 賀嘉生


隨著行動運算與網路科技的發展日新月異,藉由行動裝置來進行各類領域的應用已逐漸被大眾接受。而遠距健康照護服務的模式,更是越來越依賴輕巧簡易的裝置做為輔助工具,來協助進行資料的收集,而遠距健康照護系統再藉由這些資料的分析做為決策支援的重要依據。由於行動通訊裝置例如PDA、手機等,不受時間空間的限制,可以很方便地進行資料通訊功能,因此將行動裝置應用在健康照護服務的模式中,則延伸出所謂的行動健康照護服務。 本論文首先分析參與健康照護服務的角色,以及過去對於照護需求的定義與歸類,並應用至本論文中。其參與健康照護服務的角色主要分為被照護者與照護者,而照護需求的類型在本論文中分為六大類型。 接著分析照護者在進行健康照護活動的過程,並嘗試使用派翠網路來建立行動健康照護服務模式下的照護過程之模型。當照護需求被提出後,則由系統針對此需求與被照護者的生理狀態,來產生適當的照護建議,透過行動裝置來通知照護者,以提醒照護者進行照護工作。另外針對此派翠模型加入額外的照護監控機制,透過系統的監控來維持整個照護過程運作順利。 本論文並針對被照護者的生理資訊進行分析,來提出被照護者的四項主要的生理狀態,包括疾病、居家、身體與輔具狀態。透過這四項被照護者生理狀態,以及所提出的照護需求的類型,便可以做為本論文照護規則庫的條件輸入,來進行規則的推論動作,以產生貼切的照護建議訊息,用來通知照護者。 最後本論文與某縣的老人保護服務協會合作,將行動健康照護系統實際運作至原本的關懷照護服務當中,照護者藉由操作本系統來進行照護工作,以協助改善被照護者的身心狀況並提高照護品質與效率。


This thesis proposed a clinical alert mechanism for modeling the health care process of patients. Petri net is used for presenting care rules to apply in the Mobile Healthcare work flow, and a rule-based system creates the care alert guidelines to alert the caregivers by the state of the patient including the disease state, physical state, living state, and the assist instrument state, finally the care assistances in the Mobile Healthcare service also purposed. In this thesis, the Mobile Healthcare System provides the real-time without the location limited and time limited care service to the caregivers. The system will automatically to alert the caregiver about the care guideline of the care assistance which patient requested, this guideline was created by the mobile healthcare system to provide an appropriate care alert to the caregiver according the states of patient and the type of the care assistance. So the caregivers will get a better considering result of the home-care work while they are using the mobile healthcare system with the handheld device in the home-care service, and the system will also improve the fault of the Tele-Homecare system. The Mobile Healthcare System will be applied to a care family organization for elder in a certain country in Taiwan. When the mobile caregivers of the organization do the home-care service, they use this system on the handheld device in their hand and the cooperators can monitor the status of the home-care service with the Tele-health system in the real-time. There are two systems in the care family organization: one is the twenty-four/all day call center system to provide an efficient intercommunication service for patients, and the other is patient data management service to create a unify interface for caregivers to manage the information of patients. The Mobile Healthcare system will reduce the delay time of the care action and raise the care ratio and quality to improve the patient’s life. In the future, the mobile healthcare service will combine the resources in local area including the local library, the policy station, and the household registration office to provide a complete community healthcare service. The combination with Tele-Healthcare service and Mobile Healthcare service can improve the quality and the performance of the care process for patients and caregivers in the healthcare service.


Healthcare Mobile Healthcare Rule Base Petri Net


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