  • 學位論文


Using B-S Equation to Construct an Optimal Fuzzy Portfolio

指導教授 : 練光祐




The option market and the spot market are closely related. By observing the targets of the option market, besides the respective meanings, many implied messages can be obtained through examining the several targets. From the implied volatility and the open interest, the investors’ viewpoints of the stock prices fluctuation in the future can be interpreted. For the capability of the forecast of the volatility in stock price, the implied volatility is better than the other volatility indexes, and the implied information is also abundant. If the historical volatility is used to assist the forecast, the conditions of overestimation or underestimation of the implied volatility can be avoided. The characteristics of the fuzzy theory are adopted in this research. The relationship of those indexes will be described in mathematical model to choose the best adjustment value of the return and the risk. Thus, the exchange return can be raised to avoid the exchange cost. The experiment results show that the fuzzy portfolio constructed in this research is superior to the Markowitz portfolio theory adopted by the masses.


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