  • 學位論文


A Study of Optimum Specification and Allowable Rework Times for Multi-stage Production Systems

指導教授 : 饒忻


考慮一生產系統,其工件需經過特定加工步驟後成為完成品,而生產系統中實施100%檢驗,當工件規格低於規格下限或高於規格上限,依工件不良程度決定不良品的處置方式,其中包括:修理(repair)、重工(rework)及報廢(scrap)。本研究將生產系統單一工作站模式延伸式多階段(multi-stage)生產系統,利用馬可夫鏈模式建構,其中以暫態(transient state)及吸收狀態(absorbing state)等觀念建構生產模式架構,並搜尋工件平均規格值,以最佳收益為目標,求得最佳平均規格。最終探討允許重工次數對最佳收益之影響,並以不同之成本項目說明對系統收益及最佳產品規格的影響,提供生產者在不同生產狀況時進行參數調整。


Consider a production system where products must go through a sequence of work stations with inspection for conformance with their specification limits. When a product performance falls below its lower specification limit or above its upper limit, a decision is made to repair, rework or scrap the product. This study extends single-stage production systems discussed in the literature to multi-stage production systems, and uses the Markov chain approach to model these production systems in order to obtain the optimum specification for the maximal profit with considering rework times. Numerical examples are provided for the illustration of the proposed model and a sensitivity analysis of various system costs are performed for understanding the insight of the model.


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