  • 學位論文


A Study of Conflict Problem Management Incorporating with Para-Consistent Thinking

指導教授 : 周永燦 王晃三


衝突問題是生活中不可避免的現象,也是必須加以管理的重要課題。有效的衝突問題管理具有兩層含義:消極而言,可以排除衝突問題伴隨之緊張關係與負面效應;積極而言,可經由尋求雙贏的局面,提升效能、創造新價值。然而,現行相關研究中,大多著重於衝突問題管理策略的探討上,較少從問題解決角度來管理衝突問題,對於系統化的衝突問題管理之模式的探討也很稀少。因此,本研究選定事業經營中的衝突問題之管理作為研究的重心,並以建構系統化之衝突問題管理模式為目的。 本研究以文獻探討法為主要研究方法,文獻顯示以限制理論為基礎的衝突圖在工業界應用極為廣泛,它具有以圖形呈現衝突問題邏輯結構的功能,並具簡明而有效釐清問題的優點。另一方面,次協調思維的概念,在導引突圍、限縮對策尋思的空間,以及弱化衝突方面,頗有效益。雖然上述兩種方式對於解決衝突大有助益,然而,兩者在激發構想、產生可行方案方面,卻同時存有欠缺明確步驟與方法的共同性缺點。因此,本研究著眼於整合衝突圖與次協調思維的個別優點之衝突問題管理模式,同時,尋求一個結構化與系統化的思維導引程序,期能方便找出可行的構想與方案。 為此,本研究在模式中導入理性論辯的精神,允許支持兩相衝突的訴求雙方,以攻防方式按部就班的提出正反論點,從而深入剖析衝突問題的根源。此一論辯程序以五個結論:(1)限縮訴求;(2)寬讓訴求;(3)變換訴求;(4)擱置訴求;(5)超越訴求作為各回合的終點。至於可行的構想方案,則在此時業已限縮或弱化的問題空間中尋思找出,就(1)及(2)而言,衝突問題空間縮減;就(3)而言,複雜難解的衝突,可能因為轉換訴求而得以化解。 最後,本研究以國內某大學圖書館「期刊資源刪減與否」之衝突問題,做為實作與驗證整合性衝突問題管理模式之實證個案。經由個案的探討,證實本研究發展之模式確實具體可行,而且由於理性論辯的互動過程,衝突問題的求解過程得以清晰化、結構化。結果並顯示本研究所建構的衝突問題管理模式,充份具備衝突圖與次協調思維的優點,而且理性論辯可以成為決策者化解衝突問題的有力工具,對於衝突問題解決生手助益尤大。


Conflict is an unavoidable part of life, and is an important issue needs to be encountered. Effective management of conflict problems bears two kinds of benefits. On one hand, it alleviates the tension and the negative effects derived from the conflict. On the other hand, it may bring in better performance and creates new values in pursuit of the win-win solution. However, among the current relevant research, the majority focused on the strategy aspect of conflict problem management. Few approach the issue from the problem solving aspect. Even less is the exploration on the models involved in conflict management. The purpose of the study is to develop a structured and systematic model for conflict problem management, with emphasis on conflicts encountered in management of enterprises. In this study, we employ Literature Review as the major methodology. The exploration reveals that the Conflict Resolution Diagram (CRD) based on Theory of Constraints finds wide application in industry owing to its diagram presentation of the logic structure of the conflict problem. It has the advantage of being simple and effective in clarification of the problem. On the other hand, the concept of Para-Consistent Thinking is very powerful in breakthrough by finding strategies leading to resolving the weakened and/reduced conflict problem. Although the two approaches greatly facilitate the resolving of conflicts, however, they both share the same shortcoming of lacking a clear procedure to enable finding of the feasible solutions. Therefore, it is set as the task of this study to develop a conflict problem management model that incorporates the strength of CRD and Para-Consistent Thinking, while enhanced with systematic and structured procedure leading to easier finding of feasible solutions. For this purpose, we introduced the spirit of rational debate in the model and let the both parties in the conflict present their arguments for and against the issues involved through the process of offend and defend. The process ends at one of the following five taxonomies including (1) Reduction of the Problem, (2) Concession of the Problem, (3) Relocation of the Problem, (4)Respite of the Problem & (5)Disregard of Para-Consistent Thinking. The feasible solutions are further developed in a reduced or weakened solution space. In the cases of (1) & (2) the conflict reduces its problem space, while in the case, a sophisticated problem may find its shortcut too the resolution. Finally, the conflict in allocation of recourses in a University Library is taken as an empirical case study employing the model mentioned above. It verified that the model is applicable and a solution leading to resolution to the conflict problem is found through the decision process of incorporating with the rational debate. It shows that the model developed in this study fully incorporates the strength of dynamic interaction of CRD, Para-Consistent Thinking and Rational Debate can become a fine tool to decision makers. It is particularly true to the novice conflict problem solvers.


