  • 學位論文


Vitalization of Community Development through Community Arts

指導教授 : 胡寶林


台灣政府民間近年來積極推動社區營造活動,像社區文藝季、藝術節慶、城鄉風貌改造、公共藝術、古蹟活化、閒置空間再利用和地方性特色節慶等,都是為了因應地方在時代的變化後,積極促進社區居民意識的凝聚和社區發展。在其中可發現「社區藝術」扮演重要的角色,許多新興社區都藉由各種藝術形式的互動參與,來加強社區凝聚力。隨著各種社區營造的過程,藝術呈現方式也反映出屬於不同社群的特色,甚至營造成一種產業振興的方法。本研究觀察到台灣一些社區營造的案例運用「社區藝術」方法,因此企圖透過文獻探討與訪談分析,來檢視目前台灣社區藝術營造活動之歷程、策略和成效。 本文研究之目的為釐清「社區藝術」的新形態具有何種特質的藝術性,形成可感動成為影響凝聚社區意識的動力,深入訪談具有強烈社區意識和社區藝術具體表現的社區團體,包含白米社區、桃米社區、理想國藝術街坊、金鈴園社區、夢想社區和芳鄰成長園,發現社區藝術需要靠主事者強烈的使命感,社區居民必須凝聚社區意識,不以利益為優先考量,一起推動社區藝術活動,並能在過程中,激發社區居民的潛在創造力和意識。本研究最後以模式語言整理出社區藝術具有參考價值的模式,包含模式一:產業振興藝術行銷模式,以白米社區為例;模式二:生態藝術模式,以桃米社區為例;模式三:藝術造街模式,以理想國藝術街坊、金鈴園社區、夢想社區為例;模式四:生活創意、服務學習與家庭成長社群模式,以芳鄰成長園為例,統整其成功活化社區營造之過程方法,以作為未來社區營造之參考。


Taiwan government and private organizations in recent years have actively boosted community infrastructure activities, which include community festival of culture and arts, arts festival, townscape renaissance, public arts, rebirth of historic sites, Adaptive Reuse of Public Deserted Spaces and local festivals. The activities are to positively further the consolidation of community inhabitants’ consciousness and community development in response to the changes of time. The significant role of “community arts” can be recognized through these activities. Many emerging communities strengthen the community cohesion via the interaction and participation in each type of arts. During the process of each community infrastructure, arts presentation in different communities reflects their own distinguishing features, as well as becomes a method for industrial promotion. This research discovered that “community arts” were used in some cases of community infrastructures in Taiwan. Therefore, researchers attempted to examine the process, strategies and effects of community infrastructure activities in Taiwan by literature review and interview analysis. The study purports to clarify what artistic characters the new form of “community arts” has, which become a motivator influencing consolidation of community consciousness. In addition, researchers carried on deep interview with communities and groups having strong community consciousness and concrete presentation of community arts, including Baimi community, Taomi community, Li-Shiang-Guo art neighborhood, Jin-Ling-Yuan community, Meng-Shiang community and Fang-Lin community. They also discovered that community arts rely on the originators’ strong sense of mission; community inhabitants must consolidate their consciousness, not make interest their priority and work together on activities regarding community arts. It is expected that potential creativity and consciousness of community inhabitants can be inspired during the process. Finally, this study worked out reference-valued patterns for community arts by using pattern language. The patterns are as follow: 1. Marketing pattern for industrial promotion in arts by taking Baimi community as an example; 2. Eco-art pattern which takes Taomi community as an example; 3. Artstreet construction by taking Li-Shiang-Guo art neighborhood, Jin-Ling-Yuan community, Meng-Shiang community as examples; 4. Pattern of creativity in life and service learning and family growth group which takes Fang-Lin community as an example. Researchers gathered the successful methods for activating community infrastructure as a reference for future community infrastructure.


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