  • 學位論文


The Effects of Taiwan Sign Language on Initiative Communication Behavior of Young children with Hearing Impairment and Their Parents.

指導教授 : ARRAY(0xa2ab5dc)


摘要 本研究目的在探討自然手語教學對聽覺障礙幼兒及家長主動溝通行為之成效。研究方法採用單一受試之多探試跨受試實驗設計,以三位聽覺障礙幼兒及其家長為研究對象。研究之自變項為自然手語,依變項為主動溝通行為,而主動溝通行為又細分為主動溝通百分比、主動溝通形式次數及主動溝通成功率。研究場域為受試者日常生活中所處的家庭環境,主要的研究階段包括基線期的觀察,與介入期的教學介入及觀察。資料分析則應用視覺分析與輔助性統計C統計分析,以瞭解自然手語對於三位受試及家長的主動溝通行為之成效,同時輔以訪談家長與相關家庭成員之社會效度分析。茲就主要的研究結果摘述如下: 一、 藉由自然手語的教學有助於提升聽覺障礙幼兒在與家長溝通互動時之主動溝通的百分比。 二、 家長在經由自然手語的教學介入後,其主動溝通百分比呈現逐步遞減的趨勢,但並非完全都由聽覺障礙幼兒主導,而是達到大約相同比例的輪流主動溝通百分比。 三、 聽覺障礙幼兒經自然手語的教學介入後,有助於其「手語」及「其他」溝通形式的提升,而「口語」與「綜合溝通」方面在教學介入後並未顯示介入效果。 四、 家長在接受自然手語教學後,家長主要的溝通形式由「口語」與「其他」轉變成以「手語」及「綜合溝通」較常使用。 五、 自然手語教學有助於提升聽覺障礙幼兒的主動溝通成功率,且更能穩定其主動溝通的成功率。 六、 自然手語教學有助於家長主動溝通成功率的提升。 七、 家長及其他家庭成員皆認為自然手語教學有助於提升聽覺障礙幼兒的主動溝通行為,並有助於增加親子之間一來一往互動的次數。


ABSTRACT This study aims to examine the effects of Taiwan sign language (hereafter TSL)intervention of young children with hearing impairment and their parents with special focus on in initiative communication behavior. The single-subject, multiple probe across subjects approach was adopted, with TSL intervention as the independent variable and the numbers of various initiative communication behavior as dependent variable. The study subjects were three young children with hearing impairment, ages between 3 and 5, and their parents. Behavioral data were collected during baseline and intervention phases. Visual analysis and time series C statistics were used to evaluate the effects of TSL intervention on the subjects in terms of communicative initiation, forms of communication, percentages of successful communication. The effects of other observational data, as well as the social validity of the interview data were also analyzed. The major findings of this study are: 1. Taiwan sign language intervention can promote the immediate effects of the young children with hearing impairment in communicative initiation. 2. The turns in communication of young children with hearing impairment and their parents have been stable through Taiwan sign language intervention. 3. The intervention has been found effective to the young children with hearing impairment in sign language and nonverbal forms, such as eye gaze …etc, but oral language and total communication were not included. 4. The forms of communication of parents have been changed from oral language and nonverbal forms to sign language and total communication. 5. Taiwan sign language intervention can promote the percentages of successful communication between the young children with hearing impairment and their parents. 6. Parents and several members of family confirmed that TSL intervention could improve the communicative initiation of the young children with hearing impairment.


邢敏華 (2008). 聽常與聽障嬰幼兒個案學習手語七個月後其語言與整體發展之效益初探,載於特殊教育年刊(頁303-316)。中華民國特殊教育學會。
