  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships among Cultural Capital, Social Capital and Learning Adjustment of the Junior High School Students: Taoyuan County as an Example

指導教授 : 楊慶麟


國中生文化資本、社會資本與 學習適應關係之研究-以桃園縣為例 摘要 本研究旨在探討桃園縣國中生文化資本、社會資本與學習適應的現況,並分析不同背景變項之差異、相關及預測情形。以桃園縣公立國中學生為研究母群體,分層隨機抽取40所學校,1100位國中生為研究樣本,以「文化資本問卷」、「社會資本問卷」、「學習適應問卷」為研究工具實施,問卷回收998份,有效問卷971份,可用率為88.3%。問卷回收後分別以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、典型相關以及多元迴歸進行資料分析。歸納本研究結果如下: 一、桃園縣國中生文化資本各層面以「閱讀習性」最高,「文化培育」最低。 二、桃園縣國中生社會資本各層面以「同儕關係」最高,「父母教育參與」最低。 三、桃園縣國中生學習適應各層面以「身心適應」最高,「學習習慣」最低。 四、不同家庭結構、家庭社經地位、居住地區之桃園縣國中生其文化資本和 學習適應有顯著差異。 五、不同家庭結構、家庭社經地位、居住地區之桃園縣國中生其社會資本有顯著差異。。 六、桃園縣國中生文化資本、社會資本與學習適應整體及各層面中均呈中度的正相關。 七、文化資本與社會資本各層面中以「閱讀習性」對於整體學習適應最具預測力。 根據上述所得之結果,提出本研究之建議如下。 一、對教育行政機關的建議: 多舉辦說明會宣導教育政策、落實親職教育,並廣設終生學習管道。 二、對學校的建議 增加文化參與活動、充實校內圖書資源與設備、規劃有系統的親職教育。 三、對教師的建議 提供多元的教學方式、營造和諧的師生關係 四、對家長的建議 提供優良的學習環境、培養良好的閱讀習慣、強化親子關係、積極參與親職活動和研習。 五、對未來研究之建議 (一)本研究僅針對桃園縣公立公民中學,未來可將研究對象擴大,增加研究的廣度。 (二)未來可透過深度訪談、質性研究及進階統計方法,與量化結果做多面向的交互檢證。 (三)未可可增加專家效度的程序及研究工具的適切度,使研究結果更臻完美。 關鍵字:文化資本、社會資本、學習適應


A Study on the Relationships among Cultural Capital, Social Capital and Learning Adjustment of the Junior High School Students: Taoyuan County as an Example Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the current situation of junior high school students’ cultural capital, social capital and learning adjustment and more importantly the relation among them. The methodology of this research was mainly a questionnaire survey. The questionnaires were constructed into three subscales: cultural capital, social capital and learning adjustment. The questionnaires were administered to one thousand and one hundred junior high students from Taoyuan County and the return rate was 88.3% and 971 junior high school students participated the study. The major findings are as follows: 1. The highest dimension of Taoyan County junior high school students’ cultural capita is “reading habitus;” the lowest one is “cultural cultivation.” 2. The highest dimension of Taoyan County junior high school students’ social capital is “peer relationship;” the lowest one is “parental educational involvement.” 3. The highest dimension of Taoyan County junior high school students’ learning adjustment is “physical and mental adaptation;” the lowest one is “learning habit.” 4. There were significant differences in cultural capital and learning adjustment in terms of the students’ demographic variables such as gender, family social-economic status, familial structure and residential district. 5. There were significant differences in social capital in terms of the students’ demographic variables such as family social-economic status, familial structure and residential district. 6. There were positive correlations among cultural capital, social capital and learning adjustment. 7. Among those cultural capital and social capital aspects, “reading habitus” effects learning adjustment most. Finally, according to the findings above, suggestions are given to educational administrations, schools, teachers, parents and future research. According to the results above, offering suggestions as follows. 1. To education administrations: Holding seminars to disseminate public educational policy, the implementation of parenting education, setting up life-long channels. 2. To school: Increasing cultural participation, enriching the library resources and equipment, planning a system of parenting education. 3. To teachers: Providing multiple ways of teaching, building a harmonious teacher-student relationship. 4. To parents: Providing an excellent learning environment, helping children to develop good study habits, strengthening the parent-child relationship, actively participating parent-child activities and learning courses. 5. To future research: (A) Expanding the researching area (B) Through in-depth interviews, qualitative research and advanced statistical methods to quantify the results and do more dimensions test for interaction. (C) Increasing the process of experts’ validity and the relevance of researching tools, making the researching results better. Keywords: cultural capital, social capital, learning adjustment


王中天(2003)。社會資本(Social Capital):概念、源起、及現況。問題與研究,42(5),139-157。


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