  • 學位論文

「促進產業升級條例」實施屆滿對台灣 經濟影響之分析

The Economic Analysis on the Impact of the Expiration of 〝Enforcement Rules of The Statute for Upgrading Industries 〞

指導教授 : 蘇漢邦


我國政府為了鼓勵民間企業,增加投資以拓展對外貿易,於1960年9月實施「獎勵投資條例」,隨著時間的演變,我國勞力密集產業逐漸散失比較利益之競爭優勢,使得產品競爭力逐漸下滑。有鑑於此,當「獎勵投資條例」於1990年底實施期滿而退出舞台時,繼而起之的「促進產業升級條例」 (以下簡稱「促產條例」)改變過去強調儲蓄、外銷導向的獎勵措施,而以產業升級為主要導向,以帶動我國產業結構之改變。 根據現行「促產條例」第72條之規定,促進產業升級條例租稅減免已於2009年底正式落日,勢必將造成我國經濟發展因租稅減免取消而帶來衝擊,然而政府提出相關配套措施以減緩衝擊影響,主要包括將綜合所得稅 (以下簡稱「綜所稅」)與營利事業所得稅 (以下簡稱「營所稅」)調降,以求達到符合量能課稅之原則與租稅公平性。 本研究以可計算一般均衡分析模型 (Computable General Equilibrium Model)並加以動態化,延伸納入所得收支程式,以探討各種不同所得與社會福利量化指標,以及我國總體經濟指標,並設定不同情境分析相關配套措施之影響,完整呈現出「促產條例」實施屆滿後,探討我國整體經濟與社會福利之衝擊影響。 針對取消「促進產業升級條例」後之影響 : (1)若取消「促進產業升級條例」且未實施配套措施,隔年度除了實質出口呈現正面影響外,其於總體經濟與社會福利指標皆呈現負面影響,其中我國實質GDP將損失約2940億元。(2)實施調降營所稅5%,則各項總體經濟與社會福利指標皆呈現負面影響,相較於不實施配套措施相比之下,其衝擊影響幅度較緩。(3)若同時調降營所稅與綜所稅政策,對於我國民間消費有正面幫助,由於調降綜所稅關係,所得分配因此獲得正面的改善,由福利角度來看,中、低所得階層將獲得改善。若由長期來看,租稅政策之改革不僅可以擴大稅基與增加政府稅收,對我國整體經濟也將有正面之影響,且可達到稅制公平與效率原則。 關鍵字 : 促產條例、綜合所得稅、營利事業所得稅、一般均衡分析模型


In Taiwan,〝the Statute for the Encouragement of Investment〞has been promulgated and put in force since 1960 to increase provide investment and expand international trade. With the development of the time, the law puts the labor intensive industries at a disadvantage and decreases the competitiveness of their production. Therefore, the government executed〝the Statue for Upgrading Industries〞. The new generation laws and regulations should consider the domestic and foreign industrial situation, and reforming direction of the industry development in the future. With the approaching expiration of the Statue in 2009, it is expected that the overall economic development and social welfare will be negative affected. Thus, the government executed tax reduction policies to lessen the negative impacts brought by〝the statute for upgrading industries〞. The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the impacts of abolishing〝the statute for upgrading industries〞on Taiwan’s economy. This thesis is using the recursive dynamic CGE modeling to disscuss difference macro-econometric and income distibution. I have design three simulations to analysis the impact in Taiwan. The first situtation is to simulate abolishing the statute for upgrading industries〞 in 2010. The others are based on the first simulation, and the forcasting results show that negative impacts on Taiwan economic and income distribution in the show run. It causes real GDP, investment, consumption and import to decrease, but only import to increase. The second simulate is decrease the business tax 5%, the results also show that negative impacts on Taiwan economic and income distribution in the show run. The third simulate is decrease the business tax 5% and consolidated income tax. We find the positive impact on Taiwan income distribution, but economic is negative. Keyword: The Statue For Industrial Upgrading, Consolidated Income Tax, Business Tax , Computable General Equilibrium Model


王健全、陳厚銘 (1995),「促進產業升級條例」有關研究發展投資抵減之獎勵效
第197期。台北 : 中華經濟研究院。
第72期。台北 : 中華經濟研究院


