  • 學位論文


An exploratory study on the relationships of the Azure cloud computing and the Service Oriented Architecture

指導教授 : 黃天佑


隨著網路的發展以及Google提供網路服務的成功,使雲端運算(Cloud computing)成為近年來迅速竄紅的科技名詞,許多資訊科技大廠都開始投入開發雲端運算的技術和應用。 企業必須有效地利用資訊科技調整競爭策略和業務流程,迅速回應市場變化,而強調彈性和服務再利用的服務導向架構(Service Oriented Architecture, SOA)就成為企業普遍採用的系統開發模式。 服務導向架構與雲端運算有著相同概念與技術特點,而且都受到企業的關注及採用,因此本研究係藉由Azure雲端運算平台來探討雲端運算與服務導向架構之間的關聯,其關聯為兩者之間的共同點。在本文中將以Azure平台之應用,實際安裝Azure 雲端運算平台,利用Visual Studio 2010開發一個新的應用程式,並透過Azure開發者平台將程式上傳到測試環境,通過測試後再將程式移轉到上線環境,在這些過程中,找出在Azure平台上是否有服務導向架構與雲端運算的特性,進一步去驗証雲端運算與服務導向之間的關聯。研究結果發現雲端運算就是SOA的實體,換句話說,觀念上的SOA就等於雲端運算。


With the development of internet and the perfect Internet service provided by Google, Cloud computing has become the popular technical noun in recent years. It is necessity that enterprise has to adjust competition strategies and business process effectively to respond the changing of market. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) characterized by flexibility and reused service becomes the prevalent system development method. Enterprises put emphasize on SOA and Cloud computing due to their same concepts and features. Therefore, the research investigate the connections between Cloud computing and SOA which is the identical part between them on the Azure platform. In this research, it develops a new application by Visual Studio 2010 on Azure platform which is uploaded by Azure developer platform to put to the proof. After passing the test, the application will in the service. During these processes, this research tries out to find the relationship between Cloud computing and SOA. The results find that Cloud computing is the reality of SOA. In other words, the concepts of SOA are equal to the Cloud computing.


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黃珮華(2015)。SOA雲端運算網站伺服器農場(Web farm)建構之探討〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2015.00395
