  • 學位論文

私立大專院校經營績效評估: Panel Tobit 模型之應用

Evaluation of Operating Efficiency in Private Universities: An Application of Panel Tobit Model

指導教授 : 吳博欽


本文使用資料包絡分析法,評估29所私立大專院校在2001年至2005年之經營效率,並將得到的效率值做成Panel data的型態,使用Panel Tobit模型分析外生變數對學校的效率值表現之影響。本研究強調Panel data在處理時間序列長度不足之重要性。 在總技術效率、純技術效率及規模效率上,五年來的平均值均呈現上升的趨勢,表示29所學校的經營效率有上升的現象。在純技術效率分析上,有七所學校連續五年達到效率值1,分別為淡江大學、中國文化大學、大同大學、實踐大學、逢甲大學、玄奘大學、稻江科技暨管理學院,其中後兩所學校成立的時間相較於前五所或其他未達效率學校為短,顯示學校成立的時間長短,並不會影響到學校的效率。 最後,在使用Panel Tobit模型分析環境變數對學校效率值之影響時發現,學校成立時間長短與學校是否為都會區不會影響學校的經營效率表現,至於學校設立的區域則會影響其經營效率。


This article using data envelopment analysis to evaluate the operating efficiency of 29 private universities from 2001 to 2005 in Taiwan. We making the efficiency to be a Panel data form, and then using the Panel Tobit model to analysis the efficiency of DMU from exogenous variables. This article emphasizing to solve the time series periods which not long enough in Panel data. From the average of technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency, we can prove that 29 DMU’s up increasing in this periods. From the pure technical efficiency analysis, there are 7 DMUs to be 1 in every year, it involving TKU, PCCU, TTU, USC, FCU, HCU and TOKO. We can see that the established periods is shorter on HCU and TOKO, it can prove that the efficiency is independent of establishment periods of school. When using Panel Tobit model to analysis the effect of environment variables to efficiency of school, we can prove that the DMU’s efficiency are not affecting by established periods and the school whether or not in the city, but it can be affect by the region of the DMU.


DEA DMU Panel data Panel Tobit model


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