  • 學位論文


Design for New Product Testing and Verification Process with Lean Thinking,TRIZ and Six Sigma

指導教授 : 黃博滄


精實生產的政策已被確定為適合以確保最大產能利用率,以及最小的成本的過程,基本上精實生產的再標準化和再新增價值機會不大。本研究欲使用新產品開發(New Product Development, NPD)、精實思維(Lean Thinking)、TRIZ理論和六標準差DMAIC過程管理步驟(Six Sigma- DMAIC Process)的四者理論概念,來產生一個合併效益,並應用於產品研發階段的流程改善,使NPD, Lean Thinking、TRIZ 與六標準差DMAIC概念並存於同一流程系統,應用於產品研發階段流程,以確保改善內部流程並滿足客戶的聲音。 本研究使用精實思維的Lean Toolkits、TRIZ手法與六標準差DMAIC應用於新產品開發(NPD)中的研發端產品測試驗證階段,循序漸進的改善現有流程的缺失,促使藉由正確的手法使工作流程有更好的產出與節省時間的效益,而透過價值流分析圖(Value Stream Mapping, VSM)可以找出流程的無附加價值的點,並針對無附加價值的點做一研究與改善,透過不斷地持續改善流程與成本概念,以促使整體流程可以達到完善的地步。 本研究使用精實思維、TRIZ手法與六標準差DMAIC手法三者相結合使用,聚焦於該個案公司研發階段的新產品開發驗證流程上,探討該產品開發驗證部門的流程改善以減少浪費,有效地整合新產品開發驗證流程並節省流程時間。而研究後的結果為該公司改善了16.1小時的工作時間,對於該公司而言卻是讓該個案公司可以省下2個工作天的開發驗證成本,而且也顧及到客戶的聲音,研發速度加快意味著比其他競爭對手更有競爭力。同時應用六標準差DMAIC手法與精實思維找出問題,並結合TRIZ理論找出最佳解決方法,這樣的系統做法可以提升產品品質水準、降低公司成本、提升客戶滿意度、更加提升公司在業界的競爭力。


Lean production policies have been identified as suitable to ensure maximum capacity utilization and the cost of the smallest process. Essentially it was not easy to re-standardization of lean production and re-added value potential. This study was to use the New Product Development (NPD), Lean Thinking, TRIZ theory and management of Six Sigma-DMAIC process steps of the four theoretical concepts, to generate a combined effectiveness, and applied in R&D stage of process improvement with NPD, Lean Thinking, TRIZ and Six Sigma-DMAIC process systems coexist in the same concept applied to new product development stage process, to ensure that the improvement of internal processes and meet Voice Of Customer (VOC). This study used Lean Thinking, Lean-Toolkits, TRIZ and Six Sigma-DMAIC approach applied to NPD in R&D testing and verification phase. A gradual improvement in the lack of existing internal processes, prompted by the correct wrok processes have a better output and time-saving benefits, but the waste process can be found through the Value Stream Mapping (VSM), and for the waste points to do a study and improvement through continuous improvement of processes, in order to let overall process can achieve the perfect proportions. In this study, using Lean Thinking, TRIZ and Six Sigma-DMAIC approach the three theoretical concepts focus on the case of new product development in R&D testing and verification processes phase. In order to improve product development process to reduce waste process time, company had to integrate new product development process and testing and verification process to save time. The study results of the company improved by 16.1 hours of working hours, it means not only the company could save two working days for development testing and verification costs, but also takes VOC. R&D faster means more competitive than other competitors. By applying Six Sigma-DMAIC and Lean Thinking techniques to identify problems, combined with TRIZ theory to find the best solutions, such practices can improve product quality system standards, reduce company costs, improve customer satisfaction, and more to enhance the company in the industry competitiveness.


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