  • 學位論文


An Investigation of EFL Learners' Vocabulary Learning Strategies

指導教授 : 廖恩崇


英語能力被視為提升國際競爭力的必備要素之一,如何幫助學生學習英語儼然為一重要課題。研究結果顯示運用適當的語言學習策略可提升整體的語言能力。由於任何語言學習基礎皆奠基於其字彙知識,而字彙學習策略又為語言學習策略的一種,因此,適當的使用字彙學習策略,學生於語言學習上將表現的更好。 本研究旨在探討大專院校學生對於英語字彙學習策略使用之情形,並探討在英語字彙學習策略的教學前、後,學生對於英語字彙學習策略使用上是否有顯著差異。再者,本研究也亦探討學生對於英語字彙學習策略教學的看法。本研究對象為三十位就讀於北部一所私立大學的大一學生,接受為期四週的英語字彙學習策略教學。主要研究工具為英語字彙學習策略問卷及英語字彙學習策略教學問卷;分析方法主要採量化分析,包括描述性統計,以及配對樣本t考驗。研究結果顯示多數學生對於英語字彙學習策略教學抱持正向態度。研究結果也指出學生偏好使用機械式記憶的字彙學習策略,而較少使用與學習輔助相關的策略或與他人互動學習的策略。最後,研究結果更指出教師有介紹並教導學生使用不同的英語字彙學習策略之必要性,並建議教師多鼓勵學生使用英語字彙學習策略,已促使有效的語言學習。


English proficiency is a primary element for foreign learners to enhance their international competitiveness. To any language acquisition process, vocabulary knowledge is considered as the fundamental building block (DeCarrico, 2001; Laufer, 1997). How to best assist learners in learning English has long been a major concern for most teachers. Studies have demonstrated the correlations between language learning strategy use and second language proficiency. It has been suggested that the appropriate use of the learning strategies will result in improved overall language proficiency or achievement (Ellis, 1994; Kojic- Sabo& Lightbrown, 1999). Giving that vocabulary learning strategies are a part of language learning strategies, it is assumed that with the proper use of vocabulary learning strategies, learners are more likely to perform better in the language learning. This study aimed to investigate the selected university students’ use of vocabulary learning strategies, and to find out whether there is any vocabulary learning strategy selection differences before and after the teaching of the vocabulary learning strategies. Meanwhile, the learners’ perceptions of learned vocabulary learning strategies after the instruction were also examined in the study. The data show that university students in this study maintained positive attitude toward the vocabulary learning strategies instruction. Moreover, the results point out that the learners favored in shallow strategies which process a word at a superficial level and less favored in strategies related to study aids, social interaction, and strategies that involve more mental processes. The research findings also indicate the necessity for teachers to introduce students to a variety of learning vocabulary learning strategies, especially deep strategies and strategies related to social interaction.


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