  • 學位論文


A Study to the Factors Influencing User’s Stickiness in a Social Network Site-the Case of Facebook

指導教授 : 吳肇銘


隨著普羅大眾在網路上的活動日趨平凡,社交網站(Social network site)逐漸成為越來越多人用來與朋友分享資訊與溝通的平台,例如:MySpace、Facebook、Twitter成為全世界網際網路使用族群聚集的平台。本研究觀察發現社交網站的使用者停留在網站上的時間較長,與社交網站的經營成敗有著密切的關係。而使用者持續停留在網站上的意圖,Zott et al.(2000)稱之為「黏著度」。當「黏著度」被視為是網站成功的一個重要因素的同時,如何吸引使用者注意,並更進一步使其願意花更多的時間來使用社交網站,「黏著度」便成了各家社交網站服務提供者的一大挑戰。 本研究以「理性行為理論」、「科技接受模型」為基礎,結合「社會認同理論」,以探究什麼因素影響使用者對社交網站的黏著度。「社會認同」視為影響使用者持續使用社交網站的構念,「有用性」、「易用性」、「娛樂性」則為使用者使用網站的動機。若使用者的「社會認同」較高,則使用者對社交網站之「態度」也會較高,因此對網站「黏著度」也會提升。 本研究選定的實驗平台為Facebook社交網站,總共回收318份有效問卷,並以vPLS進行分析。經由結構化方程模型之建構與實證,歸納出以下研究結論:社交網站使用者之「社會認同」皆會對網站之「有用性」、「娛樂性」產生正向直接之影響。社交網站之「有用性」、「易用性」、「娛樂性」皆會對社交網站使用者之態度產生正向直接之影響。社交網站使用者之「社會認同」與網站之「有用性」、「娛樂性」皆會對社交網站使用者之「黏著度」產生正向直接之影響。網站之「有用性」、「易用性」、「娛樂性」亦會透過社交網站使用者對網站之態度,間接對「黏著度」發揮出影響效果。本研究之研究結果,期望能可提供給網路行銷研究者與社交網站服務提供商在制訂競爭策略時參考。


With the public increasing in the internet, Social networking site has become a communicable platform of people sharing some information themselves or connecting whit friends, such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter become famous Social network sites in the world. The researcher observed that the longer user of social network site stay, the more successful social network site become. Intention of remain at the same web site, Zott et al. (2000) called it "Stickiness." When stickiness becomes an important factor of successful web site, how to attract user and keep their willing to spend more time using social network site. Stickiness becomes a great challenge to the service provider of social networking site. The study takes TRA and TAM as basic model, and combined with the Social Identity theory in order to explore what factors affect the use’s stickiness. Social identity is taken as the construct of affecting the use’s intention of continuing to use social network site, and Usefulness, Ease of use, and Entertainment are motivation for user to use website. If the user’s Social Identity become higher, the attitude of user become higher, thus the user’s stickiness will be raised. The study choose the Facebook as experiment platform, and the number of questionnaire is 318, using the vPLS for analyzing. Through structural equation model for statistic analysis, the summary and the results are listed as follows: User’s "social identity "have positive and direct effect on the user’s "perceived usefulness" and "perceived entertainment". And the user’s "perceived usefulness", "perceived ease of use" and "perceived entertainment" have positive and direct effect on the user’s "attitude" on the social network site. User’s "social identity ", “perceived usefulness” and "perceived entertainment" have positive and direct effect on the user’s "stickiness" on the social network site. And the user’s "perceived usefulness", "perceived ease of use" and "perceived entertainment" have effect on the user’s "stickiness" indirectly through the user’s "attitude". The research results hope to provide social network site researchers and service provider in the development of competitive strategy reference.


Social Identity Theory TRA TAM Stickiness Social network site


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陳威中(2014)。應用馬可夫鏈於社群網站使用者黏著度之分析 -以Youtube為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.10417
