  • 學位論文

品牌個性與依附風格對品牌偏好影響之 研究

The Research of Brand Personality and Attachment Style on Brand Preference

指導教授 : 廖本哲


摘 要 品牌幫助消費者做選擇,因為它代表可靠的品質、形象與售價,品牌個性是品牌背後的核心支柱,形容品牌個性時通常會依照我們形容彼此的方式來表達,因為真正的品牌是有生命的,在我們的生活中各自扮演不同的角色,品牌個性就是品牌生命形於外的特徵,對於品牌個性的研究,Aaker(1997)的研究成果發現了五大品牌個性的構面:純真(Sincerity)、刺激(Excitement)、稱職(Competence)、教養(Sophistication)與強壯(Ruggedness)。 採用依附理論觀點提供更豐富的了解對於品牌個性如何影響品牌認同感、購買的可能性和品牌的偏好,依附理論由John Bowlby 1958年所創作,是為了解人之間的人際關係提供了描述和說明架構,是一種心理、演變和行為性理論。 Bartholomew 與 Horowitz(1990)根據Bowlby所提出的二向度內在運作模式,發展出四種不同的成人依附風格模式: 安全依附、焦慮依附、逃避依附以及排除依附,每種依附風格皆有不同的特質與傾向。 本研究以依附理論方式來詮釋品牌個性會因個體的依附風格的不同對於品牌偏好有所差異,依附風格依據文獻說明其內在運作模式有著近似基模(schema)的特性,具有穩定性、不易被改變,研究發現焦慮依附風格的個體較偏向純真性品牌,逃避依附個體較偏向刺激性品牌,使用情境亦會影響消費者對於品牌的偏好。 本研究以虛擬品牌GO品牌T恤進行操弄檢定,以了解受測者在品牌個性與使用情境的感受,考慮到受測者能易於填答確實反應出此實驗設計的真實性,以一般人常穿著的T恤來了解受測者對於品牌個性與使用情境的感受。 本研究的結果,應用在行銷領域上,企業主在經營品牌,應該要了解到塑造品牌個性的差異性,可以強化消費者的對品牌的認同感,由研究可知品牌個性的表現無法一體適用,如何創造符合消費者的品牌個性並吸引顧客將是企業必須要努力的課題如此才可為企業創造忠實的客戶和更大的利潤。 除了符合消費者的品牌個性外,使用情境亦會影響消費者的品牌偏好,所以企業在廣告訴求時亦可同時融入使用情境強調此品牌的功能性及表現自我的形象,將可為品牌創造更高的價值。 關鍵字:品牌個性、依附風格、使用情境、品牌偏好。


Abstract Brands help consumers to make decisions on purchases as brands represent reliable quality, image and prices. Brand personality is the core of brands, which is often expressed in a similar description for people. Brands have their own lives, and they play different roles in our daily life. Brand personality is the external trait of brand life. Aaker (1997) studied the brand personality, and proposed five dimensions, which are Sincerity, Excitement, Competence, Sophistication and Ruggedness. The Attachment Theory, proposed by John Bowlby (1958), allows people to further realize how brand personality influences brand identification, purchase possibility, and brand preference. This theory is also the description framework to probe into interpersonal relationship, and is related to psychology, evolution and behavior. Bartholomew and Horowitz (1990), based on the two-dimensional model proposed by Bowlby, proposed four kinds of adult attachment models, which are secure attachment, preoccupied attachment, fearful attachment, and dismissing attachment. Each attachment style reveals different traits and inclinations. Upon the Attachment Theory, this study suggests that regarding brand personality, different attachment styles would result in different brand preferences. According to literatures, internal operational model of attachment style is similar to schema that is stable and not easily changed. Researches indicate that individuals with preoccupied attachment prefer brands of sincerity, while those with fearful attachment prefer brands of excitement. Usage situations also influence consumers’ preferences for brands. This study conducted a manipulation test by GO brand T-shirt, a virtual brand, in order to understand the participants’ perception of brand personality and usage situations. Since participants’ ease of responses would reflect the truthfulness of this experimental design, this study used T-shirt as the example for the investigation. When applying the findings of this study to marketing, companies should realize that differentiating brand personality would enhance consumers’ identification with the brands. According to this study, brand personality cannot be applied to all situations thus, how to construct brand personality that is suitable for consumers and attract customers is the issue to be deliberated by companies, in order to develop loyal customers and create more profits. Besides brand personality that is suitable for consumers, usage situations also influence consumers’ brand preferences. Thus, in advertising appeals, companies should include usage situations, emphasize on the functions of the brands, and express self-image in order to create more values for the brands. Keywords: brand personality, attachment style, usage situations, brand preference.


史考特‧貝伯瑞(Scott Bedbury),史蒂芬‧芬尼契爾(Stephen Fenichellr),麥慧芬譯
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