  • 學位論文


System simulation on Laboratory Scheduling-A Case Study of A Company

指導教授 : 楊康宏


本研究所探討的排程問題為實驗室測試活動安排規劃之排程問題。在排程的問題中,每項測試活動的測試時間不同,一項測試只可於一台機器上進行,不可多項測試於一台機器上進行,實驗室內有M台完全相同平行機台,實驗活動依照專案人員需求安排測試排程,目標為在將測試活動分配至M台機器以滿足專案人員的需求。 本研究將利用GAMS的CPLEX整數規劃模型求得最小化完成時間、最小化延遲次數以及最小化總延遲時間的最佳解,再將GAMS所產生的解代入FlexSim模擬軟體來解題,並且比較兩者之間的結果差異。


This thesis focuses on the scheduling problem for the plan of testing activity in the laboratory. In the scheduling problem, the testing time of activities is different. One machine only can be used for one testing at one time. The laboratory has M identical parallel machines, and the testing activities will be arranged according to the requirement of project teams. The goal is that the testing activities will be assigned to M identical parallel machines to comply with the requirement. The thesis uses the CPLEX of GAMS to determine the optimal solution of minimum finish time, the minimum delay times, and the minimum total delay time. Model outputs from GAMS are put into the simulated software FlexSim to solve the problem. Two results from two approaches, i.e., the mathematical and simulation approaches, are compared with each other to analyze the difference between two approaches.


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