  • 學位論文

為什麼年輕人容易在偶像養成真人秀中成為忠實粉絲? ——偶像養成真人秀節目環境下的線上粉絲參與、偶像崇拜、節目忠誠度

Fans Produce Idol Stars: online fan engagement, idol worship, and program commitment and their association with idol-nurturing reality shows

指導教授 : 黃儀婷


以《青春有你2》、《創造101》、《偶像練習生》為代表的偶像養成真人秀在中國市場掀起熱議,這類節目已成為中國主流電視節目類型之一,並以此為中心發展出成熟的商業模式。由於偶像養成真人秀獨特的節目概念和新穎的節目環節設計,形式多樣的線上粉絲參與行為在該類節目播出期間被頻繁觸發。為探討為什麼在偶像養成真人秀節目環境中年輕的中國觀眾很容易成為忠實粉絲,並積極參與多樣化的線上粉絲參與行為。本研究以福格行為模型作為核心理論基礎,從使用與滿足的角度出發,透過先質性、後量化的混合研究方法來進一步探討觀看動機、觸發、線上粉絲參與、偶像崇拜和節目忠誠度之間的關係。借助中國主流的社交媒體平台,本研究回收了3,352 例有效樣本。透過數據分析,本研究發現在偶像養成真人秀環境下,展現參賽練習生能力(ability)的觸發最能引發中國年輕觀眾對節目中練習生的關注、吸引觀眾成為練習生的粉絲。除此之外,中國的年輕觀眾觀看偶像養成真人秀的主要動機是窺視(voyeurism)和高製作質量(high production quality)。透過結構方程模型分析,本研究發現觸發能力、性格(personality)和顏值水平( facial attractiveness)對線上粉絲參與具有顯著影響;觀看動機社交互動(social interaction),窺視和懸疑( suspense)對線上粉絲參與具有顯著影響。本研究還發現線上粉絲參與對偶像崇拜和節目忠誠度,以及偶像崇拜對節目忠誠度均有顯著影響。透過以上研究過程,本研究揭露了粉絲們在偶像養成真人秀環境下的心理與行為,並為節目和練習生如何增加粉絲黏著度提供建議。


Idol-nurturing reality shows have become extremely popular in the Chinese market and have become one of the mainstream types of shows in China, resulting in the development of a mature commercial model centered on these shows. Owing to the unique concepts and designs of these idol-nurturing reality shows, various forms of online fan engagement behavior are often prompted over the course of the shows. Using various mainstream social platforms in China, this study obtained 3,352 valid samples from viewers of idol-nurturing reality shows. The results of our study indicated that the ability of trainees was the most effective prompt for arousing the attention of young Chinese audiences to the trainees in the shows, and attracting the audience to become the fans of the trainees. Moreover, the primary motives that prompted young audiences to watch idol-nurturing reality shows were voyeurism and high production quality. Data analysis of the relationships among the prompts, motivation, online fan engagement (OFE), idol worship (IW), and program commitment (PC) was conducted using SEM. The results revealed that the prompts ability, personality, and facial attractiveness exerted a positive impact on OFE and that viewing motives, social interaction, voyeurism, and suspense exerted a positive impact on OFE. In addition, we found that OFE exerted a significant and positive influence on IW and PC, IW exerted a positive influence on PC.


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