  • 學位論文

政府採購法決標之研究 —以最有利標爭議個案為例

Research on Winning Bid of the Government Procurement Law-Case Study “Dispute of the Most Advantageous Bids”

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


政府採購決標之實質意義,從私法層面觀之,係為「承諾」之意思表示,而政府機關基於私人之立場與得標廠商訂定採購契約;亦即,當機關宣布決標時,除了有違反政府採購法及招標文件之相關規範外,只要意思表示一致,採購契約成立。按政府採購法第五十二條第一項之規定,決標原則區分:一、訂有底價之採購。二、未訂底價之採購。三、最有利標。四、複數決標等四項,從實務觀之,實為「最低標」及「最有利標」兩種,複數決標僅係機關保留採購項目,或數量選擇之組合權利,其決標原則仍依最低標或最有利標辦理。 在政府採購法尚未施行前,「最低標決標」為我國傳統決標原則,因廠商低價搶標,衍生品質問題,因此為防止廠商報價不合理,有降低品質之虞,遂有所謂「八折標」及「合理標」,顯見政府對於採購決標相關之改革措施,仍未有效決解。爲因應加入國際貿易組織及保證採購品質優良,政府採購法於八十七年五月二十七日公布,參仿世界貿易組織各國評選優勝廠商之作法,制訂「最有利標決標」之評選機制;惟八十八年施行以來,最有利標決標機制因部分採購案件評選專業不足、法令規定迭有修正等因素及非正當性之人為介入,致使在實務執行上迭受外界質疑。 政府採購法決標原則,以最有利標決標係屬新型態之原則,其非以價格之因素為唯一考量,有別於傳統之最低標決標;惟最有利標相關之法規相當繁雜,稍有疏失易衍生爭議。而最低標決標雖屬傳統決標較無繁雜的法規,但對於底價之訂定是否合理,直接影響廠商標價有無偏低之問題,實為一大挑戰。 因此,本文從實務面除了探究最低標決標底價訂定、標價偏低等主要爭議問題外,對於最有利標決標有關評選委員會之組成及運作亦為研究之重點,並結合案例研析,以瞭解在實務執行上爭議之處,提出建議,使實務問題及爭議得到決解方案,期能改進決標制度及周延決標原則,有效提升採購效率。


決標 底價 最低標 最有利標 評選委員會


The meaning of government procurement awarding in private laws perspective is promise. The endorsement of the procurement contract by the government agency is based on private perspective and contractors who won the bid. That is to say, when the institution announces awarding, the procurement contract would be established as long as there is unanimity among the both sides without violating the government procurement act and the related norms of tender documentation. According to paragraph 1 of Article 52 of the government procurement act, the awarding principles are divided into four parts: 1. The procurement with reserve price. 2. The procurement without reserve price. 3. The most advantageous tender. 4. Multiple awards. In practical perspective, there are the lowest tender and the most advantageous tender. Multiple awards are for the institution to reserve the procurement items or the combinatorial right of amount selecting. The awarding principle is still based on the lowest tender or the most advantageous tender. Before the government procurement act is enforced, the awarding of the lowest tender was the traditional awarding principle in Taiwan. Because contractors snatch the tender, it brings out quality problems. In order to prevent the irrational price quoting and reduction of the quality, the 20% off tender and the rational tender appear. It is obvious to see that the government does not solve the reforming methods of procurement awarding effectively. To join the international trade organization and guarantee the public engineering quality prefect, the government procurement act was published on May 27, 1998. The formulation of the mechanism of greatest contractor’s evaluation comes from the reference of every winning contractor in WTO. When it is enforced on 1999, however, the mechanism of the most advantageous tender is doubted because of the lack of selecting specialty in some parts of procurement cases, revision of law and the man-made interference. The awarding principle of the government procurement act , the awarding of the most advantageous tender is the new type of awarding principle. Compared with the awarding of the lowest tender, the price is not the only consideration. The law which is related to the most advantageous tender is quite complicated; it is easy to bring out arguments. Although the awarding of the lowest tender belonging to traditional awarding is a less complicated law, it is a big challenge that whether the price setting, which directly influences the contractor’s bidding, is too low for the contractor. Therefore, this thesis in practical perspective explores not only the reserve price setting of the awarding of the lowest tender and the lower tender price, but also the composition and operation of the evaluation committee which is the main point and related to the most advantageous tender. It is also combined with cases study to understand the argument in executing practice, and propose the solution to improve the awarding systems as well as awarding principles to lift procurement efficiency.




