  • 學位論文

中華郵政公司經營績效分析 -隨機邊界法之應用

Operating Performance Evaluation of Chunghwa Post -Stochastic Frontier Analysis

指導教授 : 黃美珠


郵政總局為了因應經濟自由化和競爭者越來越激烈之環境,於民國92年(西元2003年)改制成由交通部100%持股之中華郵政股份有限公司,並做了多項組織內部改革,增加競爭力與營運機動性。本研究以民國85年至民國98年級郵局公司化前後各七年作為樣本期間,運用隨機邊界分析法衡量25個縣市之郵政單位投入對產出之影響,並且分析不效率效果因子。 分析結果發現,支局數與委辦業務處數兩個投入變數與函件收寄量、包裹收寄量、快捷郵件收寄量、儲金結存金額、開發匯票總額、簡易壽險保額等六項產出值均呈正向顯著關係。在探討不效率因素方面則發現,產品多樣性與儲匯業務之產出呈顯著正相關,人口密度與郵務業務之產出呈顯著負相關,景氣繁榮與郵務業務和儲匯業務之產出呈顯著負相關,以其他壽險業者分支數為競爭者之變數發現,競爭者數與壽險業務之產出呈顯著負相關,地區別因素與儲匯業務和壽險業務之產出呈顯著負相關。


In the trend of internationalization and liberalization of operation circumstance,many post services are facing strong competitions in accordance to the change of the environment,postal organigation in our country transformed as the General of Posts to Chunghwa Post Coration on 1 January 2003.Utilizing one-stage stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) ,we measure the operating performance evaluation of Chunghwa Post to evaluate non-efficient factors of post units. The empirical results suggest that in correspondence posted、parcels posted、speedpost service posted、balance of postal savings、amount of money orders issued、sum insured of simple life insurance,the relationship between brance amount and minor establishments amount are significantly positive. In unefficiency factor empirical results we get that the production variety is significantly positive with savings and remittances businesses,the population density is significantly negative with postal businesses. In postal businesses,the coefficient on is negative and significant. In postal businesses and savings and remittances businesses, the coefficient on GDP is negative and significant. In insurance businesses ,the coefficient on other insurance businesses is negative and significant. In savings ,remittances and insurance businesses,the coefficient on the variable of county and city is negative and significant.


陳玉麟、蔡秋田(2005),「我國科技發展投資與生產效率之關連性研究-隨機邊界法之應用」,Chiao Da Management Review,第二十五卷第二期,211-233頁。
