  • 學位論文


The Effects of spatial elements on position choice and subjective evaluation in open space

指導教授 : 謝明燁


都市裡的公共開放空間越來越多,已成為民眾日常生活不可或缺的一部分。而在開放空間中,有許多不同的空間元素,這些元素與設施物的形狀、配置位置等等,會影響空間的氛圍與品質,進而影響到該空間的人潮多寡以及使用意願。在開放空間內,等待行為是發生頻率最頻繁,且在空間裡停留最久的行為,而人們是否願意在某處停留,除了受到環境中的地理條件等客觀因素所限制外,也與心理層面的感受有關。本研究將探討廣場上的各種空間元素,對於等待者的等待位置選擇,以及其心理影響為何進行探討,期望能歸納出建議設計開放空間設計時的準則,避免產生乏人問津的閒置空間。 本研究結論如下:一、等待者最喜歡的等待環境是有陰影的地方,其次是可以坐下的地方,其次是是有包被感的地方。二、等待者雖然不會在景觀水池旁停留等待,但水池可以增加空間的豐富和愉悅程度。三、階梯的形狀高矮不會影響其吸引力。四、空間內的自然感和積極性越高,愉悅感也越高,也越受等待者喜愛。五、能吸引等待者的空間元素多半會使開放感偏低,是因為其包被感較強所致。根據上述的幾點結論,本研究也做出了具體的建議,期望做為設計師未來在設計開放空間時參考的依據。


開放空間 等待行為


There is more and more public open space in cities that has become an essential part of the public’s daily life. In the open space, different space elements, such as the configurations of the elements and facilities or layout places, affect the atmosphere and quality of the space. This, thus, affects the number of people as well as their willingness to use in the space. In the open space, waiting behavior occurs with the highest frequency and it is also the behavior that makes people to have the longest standstill. Whether people are willing to stay in somewhere not only depends on whether they are limited by objective factors, such as geographical conditions, but also relates to their mental states. The study discusses the various space elements in the square and discusses the choices of waiting places made by those who wait as well as how the decisions influence them. The study aims to provide suggestions as the guidelines for open space design to avoid vacant space from happening. The conclusions are given below: 1) A shadowy place is where those who wait enjoy waiting most. A place where they can have a seat considered to be the second choice; then is where makes them feel coated. 2) Those who wait do not stay and wait by a landscape pool, but the pool can enhance the level of richness and pleasantness. 3) High/low step or it configurations makes no influence on its attraction. 4) The higher the natural sensation and positiveness in the space are, the higher level of pleasantness will be. They are also better adored by those who wait. 5) The space elements attracting those who wait mostly have the lower level of openness due to the higher level of coated feelings. Based on the results, this study provides specific suggestions as the references for designers to design open space in the future.


Open space Waiting behavior


1.Appleton,J.,(1975/1996),《The Experience Of Landscape.》
2.Jan Gehl著,陳秋伶譯,(1996),《戶外空間的場所行為》,田園城市出版社。


