  • 學位論文

建構Android平台之DICOM ECG擷取及管理系統

An Android based DICOM ECG acquisition and management system

指導教授 : 蔡育秀


心電圖是醫生用來診斷心血管疾病最普遍的方式,但是心電圖機的數位輸出格式卻是隨著製造商的不同,而有不同的格式,使心電圖等的生理訊號無法整合至醫療資訊系統中,或者必須購買昂貴的專用軟體,方能使用。對這些生理訊號的分析、儲存以及交換造成了相當大的困擾。即便國際間對心電圖儀的數位輸出格式制定了標準,各家廠商的心電圖儀在醫院中仍舊無法整合至一個心電圖工作站,造成一個醫院必須使用同一家公司的心電圖儀或是多家廠商的心電圖工作站並存的狀況。 本研究主旨在於建構一套Android平台上的心電圖量測與管理系統,並將原始的心電訊號以DICOM的格式儲存,進而在未來能夠與醫院的PACS系統做結合,使心電訊號可以透過PACS實現擷取、儲存、傳輸、顯示,且同時也能降低醫院建構心電圖管理系統所需之成本。且透過與PACS系統的整合,醫生便可以在同一個工作站上同時瀏覽心電圖與其他相關的醫學影像,而不需要再分成兩個工作站,一個看心電圖,一個看PACS影像。 整個系統主要由三個區塊所組成:ECG front-end、Android平台及伺服器。ECG front-end為訊號擷取部分,擷取人體表面各個電極的電訊號,經由放大器以及濾波器取得各個導程的原始心電訊號,最後透過微處理器將訊號做數位類比轉換及數位濾波,最後再經由藍牙模組將心電訊號傳送至Android平台上。Android平台為系統的核心部分,能即時顯示藍牙模組收到的心電訊號,同時也將此訊號以DICOM的格式儲存於此平台的SD卡中。此平台同時具有心電圖管理系統及DICOM ECG Viewer,可提供使用者管理心電圖檔案與檢視心電訊號。伺服器的部分使用Apache Tomcat網頁伺服器,使用者可以將儲存於Android平台中的心電圖檔案透過無線網路傳送至此伺服器,供醫生或其他使用者透過瀏覽器直接檢視,或是做一個長時間的追蹤分析。 而本系統所開發的Android程式,經實際測試可成功的運行於HTC Desire HD及ASUS EeePad Transformer等兩種不同Android版本及螢幕尺寸的Android平台之上,且本研究所建立的DICOM心電圖檔案,則是透過使用LEADTOOLS公司的DICOM Data Set及DICOM Waveform等兩套軟體來做驗證,確保DICOM格式無誤。


心電圖 DICOM Android


Electrocardiography is one of the most important noninvasive diagnostic methods, which can be performed at a low cost and allows the early recognition of coronary heart disease. But there are many proprietary formats defined by various ECG manufactures to store the ECG data for their devices. This situation results in difficult of communication and integration. Even if there are many standards about the format of electrocardiography, but the ECG machine still can’t integrate into one workstation in the hospital. That cause the hospital should use the ECG machine of the same company or to build up different workstations for different manufactures. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to build up an Android based DICOM ECG acquisition and management system. The waveform is saved as DICOM format in order to link with the PACS system of the hospital in the future. And the ECG waveform can be viewed on DICOM workstations in conjunction with typical DICOM images like cardiovascular angiography x-ray, cardiac MRI and nuclear images. The system is composed of three parts. The first one is the ECG front-end that handles analog and digital signal processing and finally transmitted the signal to the second part, the Android platform, via Bluetooth. The Android platform will display the waveform in real-time on the screen and saved the signal as DICOM format. The third part is the apache tomcat server which is connected to a MySQL database. The DICOM file which stored in the Android platform can be transmitted to the server via wireless networks while others can use the browser to view the ECG waveform. The Android program can be successfully executed on “HTC Desire HD” and “ASUS EeePad Transformer” where the Android version and the screen size are different. And the DICOM file that generated by the system has been confirmed by using the software of “DICOM Data Set” and “DICOM Waveform” which are developed by the LEDATOOLS corporation.




[5] J.C. Hsieh and H.C. Lo, “The Clinical Application of a PACS-Dependent 12-Lead ECG and Image Information System in E-Medicine and Telemedicine,” Journal of Digital Imaging, pp. 1-13.
[10] “Mortara,” in www.mortara.com.
[1] 行政院衛生署, “98年死因統計統計表,” in http://www.doh.gov.tw.
[2] “心電圖,” in http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/ECG.
[3] 萬永亮, “影像擷取及傳輸系統(PACS)之基本認識,” in http://sumroc.org.tw/book/e007-2.htm.


