  • 學位論文


Improvement of Pedestrian Space in Taoyuan City-A case for Zhongli District

指導教授 : 謝明燁


由於桃園市中壢區過去僅屬縣轄市,都市規劃上並未重視人行空間之設置,同時,國內街道長年以車行為規劃導向,行人空間系統總淪為配角,導致人們在街道中與車爭道的危險情形屢見不鮮。內政部營建署自民國95年起推動「既有市區道路景觀與人行環境改善計畫」,希冀藉由計畫之執行與推動,促使各地方政府及相關機關能重視人行環境,提出人行道整體改善方法進而落實。計畫推行逾十年過去,都市街道中人行空間改善的幅度有限,部分地區僅著重現有人行道之環境、舒適度與鋪面整平等項目進行改善,並未提出沒有人行道之路段的改善方法。 本研究從都市規劃觀點切入,首先採取文獻回顧法,探究中壢區都市發展之規劃歷程,進而作為現場調查之參考。其次透過非參與式觀察法與行為圖記法進行研究,實地調查民眾在街道中之行走情形,紀錄行走動線軌跡,並彙整出行走中所面臨的問題與狀況,提出都市街道人行空間改善之方向。 根據調查結果得知,行人在行走過程會受自身體力、汽機車阻礙及空間尺度等影響,而街道上沒有足夠安全且舒適的空間,讓人順利行走、停留與活動,人與人之間的接觸變少,街道的活動性也跟著減少,顯示人行空間系統之連續性為都市環境中重要的一環。街道重新規劃,以人為首要優先考量,重新分配路權的使用,將人行道、車道、路邊停車與植栽等項目一併考量,最後所提出規劃後之街道,證實在確保原有路邊停車空間數不變的情況下,並且不縮減車道數,而加設人行道的可能性是存在的。本研究希望藉此研究之結果,能作為日後改善中壢地區都市街道人行空間規劃上的參考與建議。


都市規劃 人行空間 人行道 騎樓 動線 軌跡圖


Because Zhongli area of Taoyuan City was only a city under the jurisdiction of county in the past, no importance was attached to the pedestrian space setup in the urban planning. At the meanwhile, the road planning in Taiwan has been oriented by the vehicle travel behavior for years where the pedestrian space system has been reduced to a supporting role, causing the dangerous situations of people and vehicles fighting for space on road to commonly occur. The Construction and Planning Agency of the Ministry of the Interior has been promoting the “Existing Urban Road Landscape and Pedestrian Environment Improvement Plan” since 2006, hoping to promote the local governments and relevant authorities to attach importance to the pedestrian environment as well as come up with and implement some overall sidewalk improvement methods through the implementation and promotion of this Plan. After the Plan being promoted for over ten years, the magnitude of the pedestrian space improvement in the city street is limited. The focus of improvement has only been on the projects like sidewalk environment, comfort and pavement leveling, while there is no concern on the section without sidewalk. Based on urban planning, this study first explored planning process, as reference for on-site investigation, of urban development in Zhongli area with literature review. It then investigated the walking situation, recorded the trajectory of the people in the street, and summarized the problems and situations through non-participatory observation and behavioral graph. Finally, it proposed methods to improve pedestrian space in urban streets. According to the survey, pedestrians are affected by their physical strength, motor vehicle obstacles and spatial scale during walking. However, there is not safe enough and comfortable space on the street for people to walk, stay and move. Contact between people is less, and the mobility on the street is also reduced, so the continuity of pedestrian space system is an important part of urban environment. In the re-planning of streets, priority should be given to people and road be redistributed by taking into account sidewalks, driveways, roadside parking and planting. Finally, it is proved that there is possibility of adding sidewalks on the planned streets without reduce the original number of roadside parking spaces and lanes. The findings of this study can serve as reference for improving spatial planning of pedestrian streets in Zhongli area.


Christopher Alexander(1987)‧新的都市設計理論‧黃瑞茂譯‧臺北市: 六和出版社。
Jan Gehl(2001)‧New City Spaces‧Copenhagen : Danish Architectural Press。
Jan Gehl‧(2017a)‧人的城市‧陳朝興譯‧新北市: 創詠堂文化。
Jan Gehl‧(2017b)‧建築之間:公共空間生活‧陳朝興譯‧新北市: 創詠堂文化。
