  • 學位論文

空間•時間•地圖語言: 以石門水庫興建對石門都市計劃及石門水庫水源特定區計劃空間變遷之探討為例

Space‧Time‧Maps Language: The Shi-Hmen Reservoir Project's Influence Upon The Shi-Hmen City Plan and Shi-Hmen Water Resource Limited District Plan

指導教授 : 陳其澎


地圖是一種語言,是歷史環境的文件紀錄,在空間時間同時交錯的多元多層次文本裡,以環境變遷角度分析是具有重要參考價值。將多源多期歷史地圖與航空照片套疊進行空間分析,可發現種種空間元素的變遷,例如:石門水庫興建前桃園沖積扇水系的改變、日治時期手押台車的路線演譯、石門水庫興建中淹沒區地形的變遷,石門水庫民國53年(1964年)興建前後迄今石門大圳流經區域的三坑仔庄、大坪庄、淮子埔庄、十一份庄聚落與環境的變遷。 不同時期會有不同空間產生,本論文以多源多期歷史地圖與航空照片分析石門大圳流經區域在不同時空下的演變,對其社經與環境作基本資料調查收集。其中包括套疊中山科學地理資訊研究中心的「百年歷史地圖」、美國冷戰時期CORONA衛星照片圖、農林航空測量所的像片基本圖、台灣地區經建版地形圖等來進行詳細的地理資訊分析。閱讀地圖了解不同年代,地圖內的符號,這可幫助我們了解當時研究區複雜多變的自然與人文地景。 紙本地圖常因年代久遠產生紙質老化受損,除分別採用不同糾正與正射方法分別校正多源多期歷史地圖與航空照片,最後透過向量化轉化CAD數值檔,以TWD67系統做基準進行套疊。藉由地圖套疊瞭解研究區的變遷過程。在不同年代、不同測繪方法及其不同代表符號,試圖在空間、時間的流動裡找出地圖相通的語彙,藉以還原當時的人文地景。如此則可分析探討研究區的發展、變遷過程,並提供將來土地使用分區劃設的參考以對其文化資產保存做最好的規劃與管理。


The map is a kind of language, and its interpretation provides a historical record of the environment. The multi-dimensional interpretation interlocks time and space, and the analysis of spatial details is very valuable to understanding environmental changes. The overlay and analysis of multiple, historical maps and aerial photos reveal the changes. One example, before the construction of the Shi-Hmen Reservoir in the Taoyuan alluvial fan river system, and during the Japanese rule, a light railway network was built and over time the railway was converted to roads. Another is the construction of the Shi-Hmen Reservoir (1964) itself, which was later filled. A large area of land was submerged,. A third example is the group of villages; SangKangZi, DaPing, Huai-Zi-Po and ShiYiFen, which experienced drastic environmental changes over the years covered by this research. Spatial changes occurred at different periods. This thesis will focus on the Shi-Hmen Reservoir region, and use multiple historical maps and aerial photographs to analyze the spatial and temporal evolution of the region. The research provides a social, economic, and environmental survey of the region with multiple sources, including: Historical maps spanning a century from the ZhongShan Science and Geographic Information Research Center, collection of satellite images from the Aerial Survey office and Forestry Bureau, Corona satellite images from the United States during the cold war, and Taiwanese created topographical maps. The research uses the sources for a detailed geographical analysis, with attention on the various years and symbols, to help us understand the complex, changing, natural and cultural landscape. The very old paper maps are worn, due to paper quality and age. Also, they span a long period of time, and were created by the different governing bodies at their respective time. A lot of effort was invested to translate the historical maps and aerial photographs to a modern CAD format, and in the process, adhere to the TWD67 standardize system. Part of the research includes understanding maps, imaging methods, and modern CAD techniques. The map as a language, requires an understanding of its vocabulary and this thesis uses it to analyze map space. The research explores the development of the study area and how it has changed, which reveals a rich cultural and environmental history. It also serves as a reference, providing the physical and no less important, cultural details about previous land use. The goal is to provide relevant information to make wise choices with regard to future land use, but also reveal the cultural aspects. Such choices may include zoning regulations, or the historical preservation of certain landmarks, buildings, or structures.


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