  • 學位論文


Effects of A Self-Determination Program on Promoting the Leisure Skills for Vocational High School Student with Severe Intellectual Disabilities

指導教授 : 趙本強


本研究旨在探討一套自編的自我決策方案對高職重度智能障礙學生休閒知能之立即與保留的教學成效。本研究採單一受試實驗之多基線跨受試者之研究方法,參與對象為三位18歲高職重度智能障礙學生。自變項為自我決策方案,依變項則是學生在休閒知能之表現,其中包含自我瞭解、做選擇與下決定、問題解決能力。研究資料蒐集分三階段:基線期、介入期與保留期。在基線期後,進入介入期接受15堂各40分鐘之自我決策方案課程並進行「自我決策休閒評量表」評量;於教學方案結束2週後進行保留期資料收集。 實驗所得資料以單一受試視覺分析、C統計進行各項量化檢定,並輔以教師與家長之問卷、學習回饋單及訪談進行質性資料分析。使用的工具為自編之「自我決策方案」及「自我決策評量表」,其中自我決策能力包含:休閒自我瞭解、休閒做選擇與下決定及休閒問題解決能力,實驗結束後整合量化與質性資料進行成效解析。 研究結果摘要如下:(1)自我決策方案對象甲、乙、丙三人在整體休閒知能方面的增進有立即與保留的成效。(2)自我決策方案對象甲、乙、丙三人在「休閒自我瞭解」能力有明顯的提昇成效。(3)自我決策方案對象甲、乙、丙三人在「休閒做選擇與下決定」能力有明顯的成效。(4)自我決策休閒對象甲、乙、丙三人在「休閒問題解決」能力有明顯的提昇。(5)由訪談等資料蒐集發現教師與家長對研究對象在自我決策休閒知的改變上有明顯感受到成效,並表示對研究對象積極參與日常生活有正向轉變之影響。整體而言本研究結果與先前研究的發現相似,重度智能障礙學生的自我決策能力可透過有系統的教學方案加以提昇。本論文最後根據研究結果提出建議以供實施自我決策教學和未來相關研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a self-determination program on promoting the leisure knowledge and skills of three vocational high school students with severe intellectual disabilities. A single subject design using multiple-probe across student method was conducted to evaluate student progress across research. Each student received 15 sessions of instruction in which students were taught knowledge and skills related to self-realization, choice making, decision making, self-regulation, and problem solving in the field of leisure activities. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected to evaluate the effects of the program. The data was analyzed using visual analysis, C statistic method as well as feedbacks from teachers, parents, and students themselves. Results showed that both quantitative and qualitative data indicated the positive influence of the self-determination program. Specifically, participating students’ knowledge and skills of leisure activity improved evidently across time. Teachers and parents interviewe indicated that students’ leisure skills did improve and expresse positive attitudes toward the self-determination program. Overall, findings of the study were consistent with results found in previous research, indicating that self-determination knowledge and skills of students with intellectual disabilities can be promoted when the appropriate instructional program is provided. Lastly, implications and suggestions for special education teachers and prospective researchers were provided.


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