  • 學位論文


A study of the relationships among Religiosity, Spiritual Well-being, and Life Satisfaction of Successful Aging in Elders

指導教授 : 譚偉象


本研究旨在探討高齡者宗教性、靈性安適感與成功老化的生活滿意度之關係。研究採用問卷調查法,以信奉佛教、道教及民間信仰為主的東方宗教,及基督新教、天主教等的西方宗教,和無宗教信仰的 65 歲以上高齡者為對象,取得有效問卷153份。研究工具包括「基本資料表」、「宗教活動參與度量表」、「宗教動機量表」、「靈性安適量表」、「生活滿意度量表」。 研究結果顯示:(1)有宗教信仰之高齡者其參與宗教活動的頻率、內在宗教動機、外在宗教動機及探索動機取向的得分,皆屬中等偏高的程度;(2)高齡者之整體靈性安適感屬「中等程度」,宗教安適及存在安適亦屬「中等程度」;(3)高齡者之生活滿意度,以「情緒狀態」層面的得分最高,以「接納現實」層面的得分最低;(4) 高齡者在宗教性的表現,因不同性別、教育程度(受教育年數)、宗教信仰而呈現差異,在年齡方面則未呈現差異;(5) 高齡者在靈性安適感的表現,因不同性別、宗教信仰、自覺經濟狀況而呈現差異,在年齡方面則未呈現差異;(6) 高齡者在成功老化的生活滿意度的表現,因不同性別、教育程度(受教育年數)、自覺經濟狀況、參加義工服務、自覺健康狀況、功能性日常生活功能而呈現差異,在年齡、婚姻狀況、居住型態、日常生活活動功能等背景變項方面,未呈現差異;(7)高齡者的宗教性與成功老化的生活滿意度未呈現顯著相關;(8)高齡者的靈性安適感與成功老化的生活滿意度呈現顯著正相關;(9)靈性安適感之「存在安適」對成功老化的生活滿意具有顯著的預測力。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among religiosity, spiritual well-being, and life satisfaction of successful aging in elders. The participants were over 65 year-old elders with Chinese religious beliefs (including Buddhism, Taoism, and Taiwanese Folklore Belief), Western religious beliefs (including Protestantism and Catholicism), or atheists. There were 153 valid cases. The instruments used in this study included the personal information questionnaire, religious activities scale, Intrinsic-Extrinsic Religious Orientation Scales, Quest Scale, Spiritual Well-Being Scale, and Life Satisfaction Scales. The results of this study showed that:(1) for those with religious beliefs, the scores of the frequency of religious activity participation, intrinsic religion orientation, extrinsic religion orientation, quest religion orientation were medium to high; (2) the scores of the total spiritual well-being of the elders were moderate, and that of the religious well-being and existential well-being were also moderate; (3) the scores of the "emotional state" of the life satisfaction scale were the highest, and that of the "acceptance of reality" were the lowest; (4) there were differences in religiosity of the elders across the variables of gender, education level, and religion, but no difference across age; (5) there were differences in spiritual well-being of the elders across the variables of gender, religion, and perceived financial situation, but no difference across age; (6) there were differences in life satisfaction of the elders across the variables of gender, education level, economic status, whether or not to participate in volunteer service, health status, and IADL, but no difference across age, marital status, living status, and ADL; (7) there was no correlation between elders’ religiosity and life satisfaction; (8) there was positive correlation between elders’ spiritual well-being and life satisfaction; (9) the existential well-being embedded in the spiritual well-being could predict life satisfaction of successful aging in elders.


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