  • 學位論文


Research of the Redevelopment Strategy on Conservation of Industrial Heritage by Planning Exposition Space of Environmental Education in Jhih-Liao-Wo,Hsinchu County

指導教授 : 林曉薇


統產業活化意識提高與政策推廣下,國內越來越多的傳統產業,透過不同方式進行產業推廣活化,在傳統產業文化資產保存與再發展過程中,通常利用靜態展示將傳統產業文化保留,硬體空間保存與軟體文化再現表現上,則少了與參觀民眾互動性與解說空間,參與者同樣未能留有深刻印象;此外保存過程中,也鮮少提及傳統產業文化資產與區域生活的關係與聯結,目前多數產業文化展示空間,因為館舍的經營與營運,最後常以推銷販賣產品為主要經營目標,民眾對於產業文化背後真正的生產意義與環境的關係並無法深入了解,在這樣的情況下傳統產業文化資產保存不但沒有達到初衷意義,更可能因為商業化的情況下帶來更深沉的破壞與傷害,因此如何利用新的操作模式將傳統產業文化推廣與再發展,為目前傳統產業文化保存的目標。 本研究嘗試連結傳統產業活化及環境教育推廣,結合地方鄉誌、村史,編撰推廣環境鄉土教材及戶外教學。將環境教育擴展至社區,促進民眾對於社區文化及環境永續發展理念,建立積極正面的價值觀與態度,產生文化及環境保護行動,進而發展出符合當地特色永續課程。因此從中找到兼具文化產業與自然生態的課程及教育場域,便顯得相當重要,如何將具傳統產業文化社區與環境教育做結合將為本論文之重點。 本研究以產業文化與生態環境兼具的社區做為傳統產業文化再發展為環境教育場域之空間應用研究依據,選擇新竹縣芎林鄉紙寮窩地區為研究操作對象。期望利用環境教育模式讓傳統產業文化有一個新的發展方向,達到文化資產保存與環境教育推廣兼具。本研究操作執行分為三階段進行。 第一階段為閱讀及整理相關文獻,透過文獻整理了解傳統產業再發展議題與環境教育執行,整理紙寮窩造紙傳統產業文化資產,作為後續環境教育課程資源,提出論文操作模式與空間設計執行依準。 第二階段蒐集國內相關案例,透過傳統產業再發展、自然生態與環境教育場域、校園環境教育場域三層面進行調查與分析,結合紙寮窩現況提出環境教育場域潛力分析。 第三階段透過前兩階段將設計準則,用於至紙寮窩執行環境教育場域課程路線安排、課程規劃與空間設計,期望透過實際環境教育執行將傳統文化產業進行活化與再發展,讓更多的民眾參與了解。


Recently, there are more traditional industrial culture been revitalize through different ways because of the higher awareness and promotion by government policy. While undergoing the preservation of traditional industrial culture and re-development process, they used to show the preservation by static display but not interaction with the visitors and come up with explanation. These result to the low impression of all the visitors. Besides that, there are also low connection between both traditional industrial culture and their community and life. Nowadays, a lot of them deviated from their first motivation and aim, take sales of related production as the main goal. So, people get hard to understand actually all the true meaning of preservation while they kept it behind. These serious situation not only losing the real main goal but damaging the culture by commercialize it. In these important moment, how to create new operation method to promote traditional industrial culture and re-developing it has become the main target for the new generation of preservation. This research tried to connect the traditional industrial culture with the environment education. It combine the local magazine and history of the village, compiling teaching material and also outdoor education. We looking forward to the cooperation between school and community, hope that the education can promote from school to community, and the sustainable development knowledge of every student can change to positive site and attitude. They will then protecting the environment and culture by themselves. These sustainable development course will consist with local culture, so the exists of courses which contain both traditional industrial culture and nature ecology will become very important. It also will be the major point of these thesis. According to the community which has the combination of traditional industrial culture and nature environment, we choose Jhih-Liao-Wo, Hsinchu County as our operation object. We expect that the traditional industrial culture has a new development through environment education. These research containing three stage of operation: Stage 1 is reading and arranging all related reading material, hope to be more understanding the issue of operating the re-development and environment education. The arrangement of paper making culture in Jhih-Liao-Wo which will become a main source for the environment education courses in the future and all of these will come out by a thesis and space of design. Stage 2 collecting related cases from whole country, investigate and analyzing them into three main group which are traditional industrial culture re-development , pasture area of ecological and environment education, and pasture area of school education. All of the data will combine with the condition of Jhih-Liao-Wo and come out with potential analysis of environment education. Stage 3 take the first two stage as design protocol, arranging the route, courses, and space design of the Jhih-Liao-Wo's environment education. We expect that the traditional industrial culture will revetalize and re-development through these education, so that villagers or visitors will become more interest understanding the culture.




