  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study of Interior Urban Space

指導教授 : 張謙允


室內都市是二十世紀以來逐漸普遍的建築方式。室內都市化正是一種在設計建築物時以超越建築個體、改用都市的觀點建造建築的方式。室內都市的建築型態不只能夠控制室內微氣候,能使建築內部規畫具有不需因地制宜,並能討論環保議題的永續建築。另一方面,集結了都市機能於一建築物內,使人有生活在室內都市就如同生活在都市中之感。室內都市是個全新的名詞,卻是個在現代建築在為來能夠預見的建築規劃趨勢。 本研究以室內空間為構面,並使用都市設計中的各項建築元素綜合室內空間的限制列出項目,作為討論室內都市的指標。發現室內都市同時具有都市的機能以及室內場域的優勢,不但是一個更有效率且更舒適的場所,同時也是未來建築與室內規劃的趨勢。文獻回顧都市設計的方法與構成的項目,發現分布在都市各處形而下的元素以及形而上的感受都與室內空間相呼應。室內都市可區分成久駐型、短駐型、休閒型及過道型,其構成元素包括使用分區、室外建築元素、街道家具、自然元素及人的都市行為五大項。透過案例的討論越發瞭解到室內都市的出現與人們的需求有著強烈的關係。當國際間許多建築物皆可看到室內都市的影子,對這樣的現象之下產生的趨勢實為本研究所探討的重點。


Interior Urban Space has become a common style for construction in the 20th century. During the design, instead of viewing as an individual building, it kept the point of view of urban city in mind. Not only it could control the indoor microclimate, it could also ignore the location climate factor, but also discuss environmental issues of sustainable building. On the other hand, it keeps the functionality of an urban city within the building itself, for those of who lives in the building would've felt as if they lived in the city. Interior Urban Space is a new term, however, it's a new trend for modern construction. This research is base on Interior Urban Space listing topics using it's different construction elements, along with the limits of interior dimension as an index for Interior Urban Space. Discovery indicate Interior Urban Space has the functionality of an urban city, yet remain as an indoor dimension. Not only makes it a more efficient and comfortable surrounding; also a trend for the future construction and the interior plan. Research reviewed the decidable fact and design idea for Interior Urban Space, realized the interior dimension effects on the functionality and vibes given by the building. There are communication beyond words between the people and the space around them. Interior Urban Space could be classified with it's function such as long or short term encampment, relaxation, and passby; the deciding factors includes functional difference, exterior material, street furniture, natural element, and human urban activity. This extends to the design ideas and the city theme in comparison. This study reviews related literature and postulated the features as well as composition syntax of Interior Urban Spaces. Base on the cases studied, it is conceivable that the appearance of interior urban space is strongly bonded with the desperate needs of modern society. There are many interior urban spaces imbedded in buildings world wide. The focus of this research is to derive design features from such an emerging spatial format.





