  • 學位論文


A Developmental Study Of Innovation in the Eyewear Service Industry of the Experience Economy of Taiwan

指導教授 : 魏主榮


台灣近視人口比例高居全球之冠,加上台灣光復後的嬰兒潮目前均已進入老花的年齡,無論看遠或看近幾乎人人都需配戴眼鏡,是故台灣眼鏡公司的數量與服務品質只有便利商店可以比擬。眼鏡更是看與被看的藝術美學,購買眼鏡必須驗光然後進行新度數之試戴,再依臉型與度數深淺挑選一付具個人魅力與配戴舒適的眼鏡框,所以眼鏡公司與消費者間之互動相當密切且重要。 眼鏡雖為台灣人不可或缺的日用品,卻因驗光師法遲未通過立法,故任何人均可開店從事驗光配鏡的工作,眼鏡公司的水準因而良莠不齊,以致消費者的權益並未受到該有的保護。眼鏡公司的經營形態更因此產生了很大的差異,有水準極高的頂級消費眼鏡公司,以及提供中層消費的連鎖眼鏡公司,亦有只賣廉價產品的一般消費型眼鏡公司。消費者進入眼鏡公司從驗光、試戴、選框至完成消費的過程裡,除了需要得到專業的服務,眼鏡公司裡消費者所享有的服務面積與空間氛圍,更是消費者在意並且影響其消費的重要因素。 本研究以高級消費的眼鏡公司之經營者與店長為訪談的對象,就其經營的眼鏡公司,依展售區內不同的高、矮櫃空間、驗光室、貴賓室以及試戴區進行調查,了解相關問題並提出改進的方法,做為眼鏡業界未來裝修上之參考,本研究期許眼鏡服務業能導入體驗經濟的空間美學新願景,提升消費者與眼鏡公司間相需相成之親密關係。


Here in Taiwan, the proportion of the population with myopia is the highest in the world, moreover the baby boomers are now entering the age of presbyopia, thus almost every person are in need of wearing eyeglasses, whether for seeing far or near. Glasses has become a "seen and be seen" aesthetics. Going through examinations, trying on new prescriptions, and finally choosing a frame that is not only comfortable but also fashionable are general steps for a customer, therefore the close interaction between optical shops and its customers is of upmost importance. Eyewear is an indispensable commodity, however the quality of service and standards within the profession varies because anyone can open an optical shop and give out eye exams here in Taiwan since the Optometry Act has not passed the legislation. The optical shops can now be categorized in three types: luxurious eyewear boutiques with high standards, mid-range chain stores for mid-level consumers, and also eyewear stores that only carrys frames and services at low prices. From eye exam to prescription fitting and frame choosing, the process leading up to the final transaction is of essence, moreover the detailed service plus the atmosphere within the shop are crucial factors for all customers as they make their decision on whether to purchase eyewear at a shop. The focus of this study is to discover issues and foreseeing problems and find solutions and ways to improve, for the future benefit of the eyewear industry development in Taiwan, based on surveys and interviews of the owners and managers of the high-end eyewear boutiques regarding to the various displays at storefront, the settings in the examine rooms, VIP rooms and Try-On sections at each respecting shop. The goal is to inject the vision of experience economy into the eyewear service industry, and thus to bring closer the relationship between optical shops and its customers.


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一、 書籍
