  • 學位論文


The Effect of the Localization in a Japanese Subsidiary on The Employees’ Job Attitude

指導教授 : 丁姵元


摘要 日系企業歧視女性在國際間是眾所皆知,以致許多優秀女性對日系企業都望而卻步,但是卻也有些女性在日系企業工作多年,而日系企業是否真有如外界所說的歧視女性呢? 本研究希望以一日系企業為個案,籍由訪談的方式,並用質性研究的方式來審視 問題的本質及現象的意義,來了解資深女性員工對組織現有的各項管理制度的認知與看法、探討與歸納及提供日系企業改善現有組織制度的相關建議。 根據資料顯示,日系企業的確有歧視女性的現象,一般外界都認為是日本民族性所造成的,但研究結果發現,造成這樣現象卻是台籍經理人的影響力較日籍來得大,日系企業因為語言的不同造成溝通不易,再加上組織無法越級報告制度的牽制,導致上與下 無法達到有效的直接溝通的情況下,組織內潛藏著文化的異質性及衝突性,這也使得台籍經理人的權力相形之下會顯得較大。 另外,調查資料中顯示,造成這些女性以消極的態度面對工作,其原因我們可以從二方面來看,第一方面是從公司制度方面,其中包含著薪資與績效沒有關聯、申訴管道不暢通、日籍主管的輪調制度導致領導方式趨近保守不願創新及缺乏完善教育制度,導 致員工工作態度不積極也缺乏動力。而第二方面則是從公司經理人來看,研究結果也發現,組織中缺乏公開公平的績效評估和薪資升遷制度,使得大多數員工不只工作覺得無力沒有被激勵,大多數來說只抱持著得過且過的心態面對工作。 因此建議個案企業若能為員工設計一套激勵的制度,定能讓員工在工作時以更積極的態度面對,並達成組織所要求的目標。


激勵 日系企業 工作態度


Abstract Generally speaking, female discrimination in Japanese-Affiliated companies or enterprises is a common knowledge all over the world; as a result, many outstanding female elite would not enter and serve in Japanese-Affiliated companies or enterprises, but there’re some female employees who worked in Japanese-Affiliated companies or enterprises for many years. However, whether or not the phenomenon of female discrimination is existed in Japanese-Affiliated companies or enterprises as spread globally? This study is attempted to take one Japanese-Affiliated company or enterprise as the case study, with adopting the interview and qualitative research methods to survey the nature of question and the meaning for such phenomenon, in order to understand the recognition and viewpoint of senior female employees for existing management systems in companies or enterprises. Then, this study will explore, summarize and provide Japanese-Affiliated companies or enterprises with related suggestions to improve their existing organizational system as well. According to the data, it showed that Japanese-Affiliated companies or enterprises certainly have the phenomenon of female discrimination. Japanese Nationality has been generally considered as the reason that caused such phenomenon; however, the research result discovered that Taiwanese managers possessed more influence on such phenomenon than Japanese executives had. Since the language difference, the communication is difficult between Japanese executives and Taiwanese employees, and the restriction of the no-bypass reporting system; as a result, no effective direct communication between low level employees and executives which caused the potential cultural heterogeneity and conflict in organizations,and such situation will also make Taiwanese managers to have more power comparatively. In addition, the survey data revealed the reasons for causing these female employees’ passive attitude toward their work, and it can be viewed from 2 aspects: 1st aspect is the company system, including: no positive correlation with salary and work performance; no freely complaint channel; the rotation system of Japanese executives caused a conservative leadership without the willingness to make innovation as well as lack of well-developed education system, which resulted in employees’ passive work attitude and lack of motivation. Moreover, the 2nd aspect is viewed from the company managers, the research also discovered that the organization is lacked for an open and fair system of the performance evaluation, salary and job promotion; therefore, most employees felt either passively or negatively for their work without any encouragement, and even had the muddling attitude toward their job. Therefore, this study will suggest that if the case enterprise can design a set of incentive system for its employees, which certainly will make employees to have more active attitude toward their work, and then achieve the requested target.


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