  • 學位論文


Application of visual illusion and mix media in communication design–“The temperature of the heart”

指導教授 : 邱永中


《心的温度》是指人與人之間交流後內心情感的温度變化。以過往文本作為創作主軸,使用共通性背景轉化的媒材,透過文字、插畫及複合媒材的創作作品。從網路談分手的誤解中看見事物擁有的不同面相,如同錯視圖形能呈現不同的樣貌。以插畫繪製出過往事件中留下的深刻印象,並應用錯視手法結合複合媒材,將創作者所要傳達的意涵呈現於創作中。   創作方面,擺脫常見的「平面」插畫形式並加入「層次」表現。主要使用手繪的方式強調手做的温度。在創作展示上,每一件創作以不同外型呈現,創作主軸來自過往文本,依照創作者內心的寫照設計。同時思考如何讓作品和整體展示有所連結。期望透過此創作讓觀者思考每件作品所要傳達的意涵。


複合媒材 圖地反轉 情感 插畫 錯視


"The temperature of the heart" refers to the emotional temperature change after interpersonal communication. Based on the past textual writing, the research transformed the common background in the story into a combination work of text, illustration, and mix media. As same as the figure-ground illusion, the creator intended to show the different dimension from the incident of ending relationship with the lover on the internet with misunderstanding. Through the illustration and applying the visual illusion to the mix media, the research’s aim was to convey the meaning of "The temperature of the heart", and presented the most impressive part of the love story.   To be different from the traditional graphic illustration, the work was endowed with sense of depth by mix media. The creator emphasized the temperature of handmade via hand painted at the first. Furthermore, the creator combined the different types of media to reflect the mental view and the emotion after experienced the heartbreaking love story. The creator intended to make these various pieces into unity at last. In the summary, the creator expected to inspire the audience to realize the multidimensional story by the work.


(原作者:Richard L. Gregory)。臺北市:五南。
(原作者:Mark Bauerlein)。臺北市:時報文化。
