  • 學位論文


Using eye-tracking techniques to investigate the effects of visual working memory load on attentional bias in individuals with high social anxiety

指導教授 : 梁記雯


摘要 研究目的:社交焦慮者的認知病理模式顯示,對威脅刺激的注意力偏誤現象對於社交焦慮症狀的維持和病理發展扮演重要角色。Cisler與Koster(2010)認為其中對威脅刺激的注意力脫離困難現象受個體的注意力控制能力影響。根據Eysenck等人(2007)提出的注意力控制理論,本研究假設當社交焦慮個體在工作記憶資源充足時,可順利對威脅刺激進行注意力轉移,而當工作記憶資源被占據時,則會展現出脫離困難的現象(Eysenck Derakshan, 2011; Eysenck et al., 2007)。考量個體可運用的資源將受到其原有的工作記憶能力影響,但過往少有研究同時討論社交焦慮個體的視覺及語文工作記憶表現,故本研究一將嘗試探討社交及非社交焦慮組在視覺與語文工作記憶能力表現上是否有差異,而本研究二將探討工作記憶負荷對社交焦慮組的注意力偏誤影響,並嘗試了解注意力控制、社交焦慮與注意力偏誤之間的關係。 研究方法:研究一共有66名參與者(男性27人,女性39人;平均年齡為20.77歲,標準差為1.38)完成實驗,其中包含社交焦慮組36人,非社交焦慮組30人。所有參與者均完成變化偵測作業、運作廣度作業,並填寫包含社交恐懼量表、社交互動焦慮量表、注意力控制量表、情境特質焦慮量表、貝克憂鬱量表第二版等自陳式量表。研究二共有64名參與者(男性13人,女性51人;平均年齡為20.92歲,標準差為1.6)完成實驗,其中包含社交焦慮組33人,非社交焦慮組31人。所有參與者均完成注意力脫離作業(包含無負荷、低負荷與高負荷三種情境),並填寫包含簡短版負向評價恐懼量表、正向評價恐懼量表、社交恐懼量表、社交互動焦慮量表、注意力控制量表、情境特質焦慮量表、貝克憂鬱量表第二版等自陳式量表。 研究結果:研究一結果發現社交及非社交焦慮組在視覺及語文工作記憶能力上無顯著組間差異。研究二結果顯示:(1)在高工作記憶負荷下,社交及非社交焦慮組對各種情緒臉孔脫離時間無顯著組間差異;(2)注意力轉換可調節社交互動焦慮與高負荷下負向臉孔脫離時間之間的關係;(3)注意力轉換可調節畏懼正向評價與高負荷下正向臉孔脫離時間之間的關係;(4)記憶負荷與情緒類型的交互作用對記憶作業之正確率有顯著影響。 結論:本研究顯示社交焦慮個體在視覺及語文工作記憶的表現上均無明顯缺損。其次,本研究並未發現工作記憶負荷對社交焦慮個體的注意力脫離困難有明顯影響。然而,本研究發現(1)注意力轉換能力較好時,社交互動焦慮程度愈高,可愈快速脫離高負荷下的負向情緒臉孔,並發現(2)注意力轉換能力較好時,畏懼正向評價程度愈高,可愈快速脫離高負荷下的正向情緒臉孔。另外,也發現低記憶負荷時,負向情緒臉孔會對參與者的作業表現有負向影響,但在高記憶負荷時,負向情緒臉孔對參與者的作業表現有促進效果。


Abstract Background:Cognitive-behavioral models of social anxiety assume that attentional bias plays a critical role in the development and maintenance of social anxiety disorder. Cisler and Koster (2010) postulate that whether anxious individuals would exhibit difficulty in disengagement from threat or not depends on individual's attention control ability. According to the Attention Control Theory (Eysenck et al., 2007), this study hypothesized that when sufficient working memory resources are available, socially anxious individuals may smoothly shift their attention from threatening stimuli. On the contrary, when working memory resources are limited, they will have difficulty in disengaging from threatening stimuli (Eysenck Derakshan, 2011; Eysenck et al., 2007). Study 1 investigated both visual and verbal working memory capacity in socially anxious and non-anxious individuals. Study 2 examined the influence of working memory load on attentional bias in socially anxious and non-anxious individuals. The relationships between attentional control, social anxiety and attentional bias were also examined. Method:In study 1, a total of 66 participants (27 males and 39 females; Mage = 20.77, SD = 1.38) including 36 socially anxious and 30 non-anxious participants took part in the experiment. All participants completed the change detection task, the operation span task, and filled in self-reporting scales including Social Phobia Scale (SPS), Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS), State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Attentional Control Scale (ACS) and Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II). In study 2, a total of 64 participants (13 males and 51 females; Mage = 20.92, SD = 1.6) including 33 socially anxious and 31 non-anxious participants took part in the experiment. All participants completed the experimental task (a memory load and attention-disengagement dual-task paradigm) and filled in self-reporting scales including Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale, Fear of Positive Evaluation Scale, SPS, SIAS, STAI, ACS and BDI-II. Results:In study 1, the results showed that there were no significant differences between the socially anxious and non-anxious groups in both visual and verbal working memory capacity. In study 2, the results showed that: (1) Under high working memory load, there was no significant difference between the socially anxious and non-anxious groups in the disengagement time for all types of emotional faces; (2) Attention shifting can moderate the relationship between social interaction anxiety and disengage time of negative faces under high load; (3) Attention shifting can moderate the relationship between the fear of positive evaluation and disengage time of positive faces under high load; (4) The interaction of memory load and emotional type has a significant impact on the accuracy of memory tasks. Conclusion:This study shows that individuals with social anxiety have no significant deficits in visual and verbal working memory performance. This study did not find a significant effect of working memory load on the attentional disengagement from threat in individuals with social anxiety. However, the results showed that: (1) Individuals with higher degree of social interaction anxiety can faster disengage from negative emotional faces under high load, if they have better ability to switch attention; (2) Individuals with higher degree of fear of the positive evaluation can faster disengage from positive emotional faces under high load, if they have better ability to switch attention. In addition, when the working memory load is low, negative emotional faces have a negative impact on participants' task performance. On the contrary, when the working memory load is high, negative emotional faces have a promoting effect on participants' task performance.


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