  • 學位論文


Exploring How Attention Influence the Ability of Prospective Memory

指導教授 : 姜琇森


人們時常需要記得在未來的某個時刻去執行某件事情,像這樣記住未來的記憶,被稱之為「前瞻記憶」,前瞻記憶在我們的日常生活中扮演著非常重要的角色,它就像是大腦的行事曆,安排著在對的時間做對的事情,然而前瞻記憶的失敗非常容易發生,這會為我們的生活帶來一些困擾與負面的影響。本研究從注意力的角度來探討前瞻記憶的變化,結果發現注意力的分散與前瞻記憶相關,注意力分散越高越容易導致前瞻記憶失敗,且基於時間的前瞻記憶受到的影響大於基於事件的前瞻記憶,除此之外,研究使用了記憶意圖篩選測驗(Memory for Intentions Screening Test, MIST)搭配腦電圖(Electroencephalogram, EEG)設備收集前瞻記憶的腦電數據,建立了用於檢測前瞻記憶是否失敗的模型,能夠作為前瞻記憶量測的輔助工具,並且探討了記憶意圖形成時的反應變化,結果發現意圖變化可用於預測未來是否會發生前瞻記憶失敗的情形,提供了一個新的方向給未來研究參考。


People often need to remember to do something at some future time, that is called prospective memory. Prospective memory plays an important role in our daily life, like the calendar of the brain that arranged to do the right thing at the right time. However, the failure of prospective memory is very easy happen, which will bring some troubles and negative effects in our life. This study explores the changes in prospective memory from the perspective of attention. It turns out that the distraction of attention is related to prospective memory. The higher the distraction, the more likely it is to cause prospective memory failure, and the time-based prospective memory is more affected than event-based. In addition, this study used Memory for Intentions Screening Test (MIST) combined with an Electroencephalogram (EEG) device to collect EEG data of prospective memory, established a model for detecting whether the prospective memory failed that can be used as an aid to measuring prospective memory. This study also explores the changes in memory intentions are formed. It turns out that intention’s changes can be used to predict whether prospective memory failure will occur in the future and providing a new direction for future research.


Attention Prospective memory Time-based Event-based EEG MIST


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