  • 學位論文


The Adoption of the Different Words across the Taiwan Strait by Native Taiwanese Mandarin Speakers: A Study Focusing on the Commonly Used Phrases in Daily Life

指導教授 : 廖宜瑤


語言,隨著文化與地域發展而衍化,兩岸同屬華語圈,然而語用差異仍然存在,甚而各自形成常態。在中國改革開放後,兩岸重新互動,隨著文化與經濟交流增加,語言使用的差異度,也逐漸顯現出來,因而產生語用趨同及趨異狀況。就實用層面說,來自中國的新詞彙哪些被母語者接受?台灣常態性使用的舊詞彙哪些依然不受影響?值得探討。在文化層面,中國外來新詞彙的接受過程,除時間外,是否仍有其他因素?亦值得思議。 語言因交流而產生融入,本研究旨在探討台灣母語者對於兩岸差異用語融入情形─以生活常用詞彙為例,藉由分析台灣華語母語者對兩岸用語差異的認知及語用現象,了解近年台灣母語者對兩岸差異用語的感知,以提供華語教學及文化比較之參考。 首先,本論文以台灣母語使用者為研究對象,依年齡進行分級探討。其次,以「兩岸差異用語」作為考研焦點,研析台灣母語使用者對於兩岸差異用語使用上的融入情況。其三,研究方法以「線上問卷調查」為主,題目設計上,依兩岸華人經常使用之「差異用語」為設計藍本,答案設計採取五個等級作為選項。藉由數據分析,了解台灣母語者對兩岸用語差異之認知,釐析出用語產生的趨異與趨同現象?在實用上,哪些新詞彙在語用上被母語者接受?哪些台灣的舊詞彙仍然被穩固的保留?進而推敲,影響的可能因素? 研究問卷根據研究者整理兩岸(生活)常用詞彙中有差異者,製成生活例句,再請受訪者以五等份用語區分量表加以評估,該例句傾向為台灣用語或大陸用語。問卷結果再藉由統計方法,分析出兩岸用語差異,哪些用語趨異,母語者可清楚辨識?哪些用語趨同,母語者無法清楚辨識?以及影響這些用語趨同與趨異的可能因素為何? 本論文研究結果歸納如下:第一、台灣母語使用者在認知狀況及語用狀況,年齡為詞彙使用融入之特徵;第二、台灣母語使用者在「同名異實」、「同實異名」相關詞彙,在語用上最易受外來詞彙影響;第三、關於「大陸特有」詞彙,在語用上較不易受影響;第四、本研究結果冀提供華語實境教學時,對於牽涉兩岸常用語產生差異現象時,作為教學取捨,或進行文化比較時,提供參考依據。


Language changes because of cultural and geographic variables. Although Taiwanese Mandarin and Standard Chinese (Putonghua) have an identical origin, they feature differences in wording and have even developed each own linguistic norms. Since China's Reform and Opening Up, people have gradually perceived the differences in wording between these two kinds of Mandarin with the increasing cross-strait interactions and exchanges. At the same time, the phenomena of convergence and the divergence of wording have also occurred. At the pragmatic level, it is useful to examine what new phrases from Standard Chinese (Putonghua) have been adopted by the native Taiwanese Mandarin speakers, and what specific words peculiar to Taiwanese Mandarin have been remained unaffected. From the perspective of cultural studies, it is also worthy to explore what factors have affected the adoption of the new phrases from Standard Chinese (Putonghua) besides the factor of time. Language adoption occurs due to interaction and communication. This study focused on the commonly used phrases in daily life. It aims to analyze the Taiwanese Mandarin users’ perceptions of the different wording across the Taiwan Strait over the recent years and shed some light on the practice of teaching Taiwanese Mandarin as a second language and cross-cultural studies. Firstly, this study took the native Taiwanese Mandarin speakers as research participants and divided them into age-graded groups. Secondly, this study focused on the different wording across the Taiwan Strait to investigate the adoption of this different wording by native Taiwanese Mandarin speakers. Lastly, the research method was based on the online questionnaire. The online questionnaire consisted of questions focusing on the different commonly used phrases across the Taiwan Strait and was designed on a 5-point scale. This study investigated the Taiwanese Mandarin users’ perceptions of the different wording across the Taiwan Strait, and the phenomena of convergence and the divergence of wording through data analysis. It aimed to clarify the following questions: in daily language use, what new phrases from Standard Chinese (Putonghua) have been adopted by native Taiwanese Mandarin speakers immediately? What specific words peculiar to Taiwanese Mandarin have been remained unaffected? What are the possible factors behind these phenomena? This study firstly listed the different commonly used phrases in daily life between Taiwanese Mandarin and Standard Chinese (Putonghua). It then made sample sentences with these phrases for the respondents to evaluate with a 5-point scale how each sentence sounds like (like Taiwanese Mandarin or Standard Chinese). Finally, through data statistics, this study analyzed the different wording across the Taiwan Strait and pointed out which phrases have diverged so that the participants are able to identify the differences, and which phrases have converged so that the participants cannot distinguish them, and the possible factors behind the phenomena of convergence and the divergence of wording. In conclusion, the questionnaire result analysis shows that: 1. At the cognitive and pragmatic levels, the adoption of the different words across the Taiwan Strait by native Taiwanese Mandarin speakers is characterized by age. 2. At the pragmatic level, the word choice of native Taiwanese Mandarin speakers is most likely to be influenced by the loanwords from Standard Chinese (Putonghua) when it comes to the “homonymous” or “synonymous” phrases. 3. At the pragmatic level, the word choice of native Taiwanese Mandarin speakers is less likely to be influenced by the specific words peculiar to Standard Chinese (Putonghua). 4. This study aimed to serve as a reference for second language teaching when it comes to the different wording across the Taiwan Strait, and for cross-cultural studies.


