  • 學位論文


Effects of Personal and Situational Characteristics on Career Maturity

指導教授 : 吳美連


生涯成熟度(Career maturity)近年來是被不斷討論的課題,已被視為影響個人生涯發展與未來職業選擇一個重要的因素。許多研究結果亦證實生涯成熟度愈高,則個人生涯發展愈佳,而職業準備度及日後之適應能力也愈好。碩士生是成年的拓展期,需直接面對人生發展與成就的挑戰,故在碩士階段必須為日後投入職場作充分準備,並且培養自己的興趣及就業意向,做出較適合自己職業抉擇。 本研究之研究目的,在探討個人因素、情境因素與碩士生生涯成熟度之關聯性。本研究採用問卷調查法,並就研究架構使用「自我效能」、「內外控傾向」、「師徒關係」、「社會支持」及「生涯成熟度」等量表,以分層隨機收樣進行取樣,回收有效樣本共計309份。以信度分析、相關分析、階層迴歸分析等方法對資料進行分析。 研究結果發現:1.情境因素中之師徒關係、社會支持對碩士生整體生涯成熟度而言無顯著預測能力;個人因素中女性、有先前工作經驗、內控傾向的碩士生,其整體生涯成熟度較高。2.情境因素中師徒關係、社會支持對碩士生選擇過程的投入與承諾而言無顯著預測能力;個人因素中有先前工作經驗與內控傾向的碩士生,其選擇過程的投入與承諾分數較高。3.情境因素中師徒關係、社會支持對碩士生職業選擇的獨立性而言無顯著預測能力;個人因素中理工學院的碩士生及有先前工作經驗、自我效能較高、內控者,其在職業選擇的獨立性上得分較高。4.情境因素中師徒關係、社會支持對碩士對工作的取向而言無顯著預測能力;個人因素中女性及內控傾向的碩士生,其在對工作的取向上得分較高。5.情境因素中師徒關係、社會支持對碩士生職業訊息及偏好上無顯著預測能力;個人因素中有先前工作經驗、家庭社經地位較低、內控傾向的碩士生,其在職業訊息及偏好上得分較高。 綜合研究結果,本研究建議教育單位及碩士生加強學生對未來職涯態度之了解、培養學生在學校時期的工作經驗、強化學生自我效能、強化指導教授與碩士生之師徒關係,並且重視學生的社會支持,如此才能增進碩士生擁有成熟的職涯發展態度及順遂的生涯歷程。


In recent years, career maturity is a topic to be discussed, and it is also an important factor effecting personal career development and career choice. Studies have shown that personal with higher career maturity manifest better career development, career preparation and future adaptation. Graduate students are adults and are facing life development and achievement challenge. In graduate school, students learn to cultivate interests, to be orientated toward employment, and to select the appropriate career choice. This research aims to explore effects of personal and situational characteristics on career maturity. Surveyed questionnaire which includes self-efficacy, internal-external control, mentorship, social support, and career maturity was mailed to a stratifid random sample of graduate students. Three hundred and night questionnaires were returned. Reliability, correlation, and regression analysis are used to analyze the data. The results indicate that: 1. Mentorship and social support do not predict career maturity. However respondents who are female, have previous work experience, or are high on internal locus of control report higher degree of career maturity. 2. Mentorship and social support do not predict involvement and commitment of career choice. However respondents who have previous work experience, or are high on internal locus of control report higher degree of involvement and commitment of career choice. 3. Mentorship and social support do not predict independence of career choice. However respondents who are science and engineering college students, have previous work experience, are high on self-efficacy, or are high on internal locus of control report higher degree of independence of career choice. 4. Mentorship and social support do not predict orientation of career choice. However respondents who are female, or are high on internal locus of control report higher degree of orientation of career choice. 5. Mentorship and social support do not predict preference of career choice. However respondents who have previous work experience, are low on socioeconomics status, or are high on internal locus of control report higher degree of preference of career choice. Based on the findings, we suggest that educational institution and graduate students may pay more attention to the students’ future career attitude, cultivate work experience, strengthen self-efficacy, enhance the mentorship of graduate students and adviser, and provide social support. Thus, it can help graduate students have mature career development and successful career.


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