  • 學位論文


The Study of Support from Special Educators to Regular Educators in Writing IEP in Elementary School in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 葉玉玲 康雅淑


摘要 本研究旨在了解與協助桃園縣國小普通班教師IEP之編擬,藉由59份「桃園縣九十四年度個別化教育計畫執行狀況輔導小組檢核表」檢核結果資料以及8位普通班教師的訪談,了解普通班教師IEP撰寫之情形、遭遇的問題、困難與需求。以行動研究設計,研究者介入支援三位自願參與IEP實作之普通班教師以解決擬寫IEP書面之困境。 本研究結果發現如下: 1. 普通班教師IEP撰寫情形:(1)以IEP整體性而言,整體樣本(59所學校)之內容完整性為54.1%,(2)IEP各項內容之完整性以項目「為每位學生擬訂IEP」最高(69.5%),其次為「學生家庭狀況」(67.8%),和「在一個月內完成IEP」(64.4%);以IEP適宜性而言,項目「學生基本資料」的適宜性最高(89.8%),其次「為每位身心障礙學生擬訂IEP」(86.4%)、「家庭結構、成員之家庭狀況」(84.7%)、和「邀請學生家長參與IEP會議」(74.6%)。 2. 普通班教師對撰寫IEP的困擾有:缺乏撰寫IEP所需的知能、IEP格式的問題、缺乏相關專業人員的服務與參與IEP擬訂、很難按時於開學後一個月內完成IEP、以及家長無法配合學校的時間參與IEP會議。 3. 普通班教師在撰寫IEP上的需求為專人指導、提供IEP格式範例、以及諮詢管道。 4. 研究者依據上述困擾與需求擬定各項因應策略,並在普通班教師實作過程中依實際狀況予以調整,此行動策略達成成效包括:(1)解決三位教師在IEP撰寫上的困擾,(2)三位教師所撰寫的IEP書面在整體性與適宜性皆有提升,(3)三位教師之IEP專業知能有所增進,(4)三位教師對輔導身心障礙學生信心增加。


Abstract The present study was to understand the difficulties the regular educators had in writing individualized education program (IEP). By using fifty-nine copies of the 2005 IEP Implementation Checklist for Taoyuan County and conducting interviews with eight regular educators, the researcher comprehend the IEP writing processes, the problems encountered, and support services needed. In order to overcome the difficulties, the researcher, as a special educator, provided strategies to help regular educators to accomplish the IEPs. The major findings were as followed: 1. In terms of overall content, 54.1% of IEPs (i.e. of fifty-nine schools) were complete. Of all IEPs, the item of “ An IEP for every student” was rated the highest (69.5%), then “Family background” (67.8%), and “Completing the IEP within a Month” (64.4%). In terms of appropriateness, the item “Basic information of the student” was rated the highest (89.8%), followed by the items of “An IEP for every student” (86.4%), “Family background, and condition of family members” (84.7%), and “inviting students’ parents to IEP meetings” (74.6%). 2. The difficulties regular educators had in writing IEP included: (1) a lack of concept of IEP; (2) the format of IEP; (3) no support or help in solving problems from professionals; (4) not enough time to accomplish IEP; (5) parents’ participation. 3. The support services regular educators needed in writing IEP included: (1) special guidance from professionals; (2) providing samples of IEP; and (3) building support network. 4. Strategies used to help regular educators to overcome the difficulties in writing IEP, were modified during the application. The effects of the strategies included: (1) the problems solved in writing IEP; (2) the completeness and appropriateness of the IEP were raised; (3) educators’ knowledge of IEP had been improved; and (4) educators had more confidence in regarding of teaching students with special needs after all.




