  • 學位論文


A study of integrating asynchronous learning network with a systematic design of instructional model in a teacher education course

指導教授 : 張世忠


摘 要 本研究主要的目的在進行「系統化教學模式」並結合非同步網路教學之探討,使用多元的教學方式,了解學習者在非同步網路融入系統化教學模式下,其學習與知識建構歷程與成效,以及師資生對此系統化教學模式的看法與建議,以提供其他授課教師設計教學模式時的參考。 為達上述目的,本研究採用調查研究法,以20位修習「教學原理」課程的小學教育學程師資生為研究對象,透過「非同步網路教學實施意見調查問卷」、半結構式晤談、學生期末報告、以及線上資料進行資料蒐集,探究在此系統化教學設計模式下,促進學習者的學習興趣、師生互動情況、與學習理論與實務相結合等方面的成效,以及影響師資生進行學習的因素與限制。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、雖然非同步網路教學具有能夠突破時間、空間限制以及增進班上同學間互動等優點,但卻缺乏師生間面對面溝通等情意的部分,因此課堂闡釋教學無法完全被網路教學所取代。 二、由於非同步網路學習環境中具有可匿性以及超越時空限制等特性,因此學習者能夠擁有更多的學習自主權以及表達自己意見的機會,而能有效促進學習者主動學習。 三、透過教學觀摩活動,學習者能夠對於現職教師的教學情況與技巧有更多的了解,並能夠將課堂上所學習到的教學原理理論與實務相互佐證,使理論與實務做一有效的結合。 四、經由教學演示活動,學習者能夠有機會將教學觀摩活動中觀摩教師所應用的策略與活動加以統整,轉換成為自己教學時的一部分,並學習到其它小組不同的教學方法與技巧。 五、以系統化教學設計所發展之課程,能使學習者逐步將課程理論加以統整、內化,且多元的授課方式能有效增進學習者的學習興趣,另外還能促進小組合作學習。 不過,仍有些是需加以克服的問題:課堂闡釋教學階段授課方式與內容的設計、非同步網路教學階段授課教師的參與程度與適時引導、以及教學觀摩階段觀摩班級與內容的安排等,可作為將來研究之建議。


Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of integrating Asynchronous Learning Networks (ALN) in ‘Systematic Instructional model’ in terms of the preservice teachers’ learning and knowledge constructing process. The preservice teachers’ perspectives and suggestions towards the innovative teaching method were provided as reference for future instructional model design. The methodology of the study was based on survey research method. There were 20 elementary preservice teachers participated in the study. Data collection contained feedback questionnaire, semi-structured interview, the assignments in final semester and online data in order to investigate the improvement of learning interests and interaction with teachers, the effectiveness of combining theory in practice, as well as the factors and restrictions which affected learning. The findings show that (1) Although ALN had the advantages of improving the interaction between peers and lifting restrictions of time and space, it however could not present the emotion in face-to-face contact between the teacher and the students. Therefore, classroom teaching could not be fully replaced by ALN; (2) Because of the anonymity, flexible time and space of ALN, the learners had autonomy in learning and opportunity to express their opinions thus facilitated their active learning; (3) Through classroom observation, the learners had better understanding of the inservice teachers’ teaching situation and teaching skills. Hence, they could review the teaching theory learned in class and effectively combine theory in practice; (4) Through teaching practice, the learners had the opportunity to apply the strategies and classroom activities viewed from the observation and learn from other groups’ teaching methods and skills; (5) The curriculum developed by Systematic Design of Instructional Model could help the learners gradually organize and internalize teaching theories and enhance learning interests and group collaborative learning by its diverse teaching methods. Finally, some considerations were suggested for future research such as the design of diverse teaching method and content, the involvement of teacher and appropriate guidance during learning in ALN, and the arrangement and content of classroom observation.




