  • 學位論文


Core Resource and Marketing Mix Innovation Strategy with Market Performance ─ An Exploratory Study on Department Store in Taipei City

指導教授 : 呂鴻德 張光正


隨著市場環境的轉變,各零售業態的崛起,素有「經濟櫥窗」之稱的百貨公司,在同業競爭激烈、異業不斷施加壓力下,百貨公司的經營深具挑戰。而根據業者表示百貨公司必須不斷地藉由創新的行銷手法去勾引消費者目光,引起消費意願。因此,本研究欲探討百貨公司如何以創新行銷手法,強化其在市場上的定位,並利用己之企業核心資源,建立競爭優勢。獲得較佳的市場績效,並在百貨業步入商圈競爭的世代,瞭解百貨公司的商圈特性對市場績效造成的影響。   本研究採用個案研究法,以台北市大型百貨公司研究對象,對大葉高島屋、太平洋SOGO、衣蝶生活流行館、新光三越與遠東百貨等五家百貨公司進行瞭解,探討個案公司之核心資源類型、行銷組合創新策略、以及此兩者的配合類型分別對市場績效的影響,並考量加入商圈特性後的影響。在經過深度訪談與彙整相關次級資料分析後,發展出相關命題。本研究發現: 1.百貨公司企業核心資源須酌以商圈特性才會影響公司的市場績效表現。當核心資源為資產型時,商圈特性類型為都會型時有較佳的市場績效,而若為社區型時,市場績效則較差。 2.百貨公司採取高度創新的行銷組合策略時,可吸引消費者的目光,刺激消費,因而有較佳的市場績效表現;反之,若採取低度創新行銷組合策略,則會有較差的市場績效。 3.百貨公司採取低度創新的促銷策略,在商圈特性為交通型時,因便捷交通可帶來川流不息的人潮,所以仍有較佳的市場績效,但是,若為社區型時,則有較差的市場績效。


As the rapid change of the environment, and the growth of other retailing formats, the department stores which also named “window economy” received more challenges from the competitors. They have to catch the consumers’ attention with innovative marketing strategies. As a result of this, the research tries to discuss how a department store strengthens their competitive advantage with innovative strategies, and core resources. This research also wants to know the effects of the trading area characteristics that can affect the market performance in these days. This research uses case study method and takes the department store in Taipei city as the research object. This study selected 5 department stores, such as Dayeh Takashimaya, Pacific SOGO, IDÉE, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, and Far Eastern. The purpose of this study mainly discusses the influence between core resource and marketing mix innovation strategy for market performance. After gathering the whole relevant materials with depth interview and secondary data, this research develop the relevant propositions. The results of this study are as follows: 1.The core resource of the department stores with trading area characteristics can affect the market performance. 2.Department stores with higher innovative marketing mix strategy will perform better than the lower one, because it can attract much more consumers. 3.Department stores with lower innovative marketing mix strategy will perform well in the “traffic type” than in the “community one”.


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