  • 學位論文


Strategic Resources, Interfirm Networks and Performance: A Study on Technology-based Ventures

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


當今國內外創業風氣方興未艾,許多學者對於技術創業公司如何邁向成功,皆有許多深入的研究。本研究由資源基礎與社會資本的觀點切入,旨在探討核心資源與網絡關係對於技術創業公司經營績效的影響。本研究首先經由文獻的回顧,推論出初步之概念性架構;再利用個案研究方法,透過對四家個案公司創業成員的深入訪談,將個案資料進行整合分析,檢驗與修正原先之概念性架構,並提出本研究之主要命題與結論: 命題一:技術創業公司之核心資源會影響其經營績效 首先,技術創業公司所表現出來的創新、風險承擔及預應行為,反映其創業導向之高低;整體而言,創業導向對於技術創業公司的經營績效有正面的影響,也就是創業導向越高,對經營績效的幫助會越大。再者,技術創業公司的技術能耐與行銷能力越強,其經營績效越佳,此兩者也是技術創業公司塑造競爭優勢的重要核心能力。最後,技術創業公司財務資源之投入,對其經營績效有顯著影響。尤其在創業初期階段,財務資源之挹注對創業公司的生存與發展影響最大。 命題二:技術創業公司之網絡關係會影響其經營績效 網絡關係可分為市場關係與社會關係兩構面來探討。一般而言,技術創業公司市場關係的廣度與深度會影響經營績效。而關係的廣度與深度,則會受到交易形式、產品特性等因素所影響。再者,技術創業公司透過社會關係網絡之建立,累積社會資本,有助於經營績效的提昇。除了社會資本的資訊利益之外,技術創業公司還能在足夠的互信前提下,從關係網絡中尋求各種結盟合作的機會。此外,技術創業公司在創業初期帶入的既存社會關係鑲嵌,對其市場關係的形成,以及創業初期的經營績效,也有顯著的影響。 命題三:技術創業公司之核心資源與網絡關係之交互作用,會影響其經營績效 技術創業公司經由關係網絡中資訊的互相交流,可以啟發其創新或預應行為,提昇其創業導向,並進而影響其經營績效。而透過關係網絡中的合作結盟,可以促進技術知識的交易或交換,取得所需的互補性資源,使技術創業公司能夠提昇技術能耐,進而影響其經營績效。


As the entrepreneurial activities currently arise all around the world, many scholars have developed their research on the ways of achieving success of technology-based ventures. With the theoretical backgrounds of resource-based view and social capital theory, this research discusses the influence of internal strategic resources and external interfirm networks on the performance of technological start-up companies. After reviewing the related literature and building the preliminary conceptual framework, the researcher analyzes and integrates the results of four case studies, examines and revises the original framework, and concludes with the main propositions: Proposition 1: Technological start-up company’s strategic resources affect its performance. First of all, the innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking behavior of a start-up company reflects its level of entrepreneurial orientation, which is positively associated with its performance. Furthermore, the better the technological and marketing capabilities, both core resources of competitive advantage, the higher the performance of the start-up. Last, the investment of financial resources distinctly influences the performance of technology-based venture, especially during its development period. Proposition 2: Technological start-up company’s interfirm relationships affect its performance. Relationships in the network are divided into two parts, market and social ones. The breadth and depth of market relations, affected by transactional forms or product characteristics, influences the start-up’s performance. On the other hand, through the social network, the start-up company can accumulate its social capital, which will help to improve the performance. In addition to the informational benefits of social capital, the start-up can seek to form alliances with trusty partners. Besides, the embedded social relations of the start-up have a large impact on its development of initial market relations and performance. Proposition 3: The interaction of strategic resources and interfirm relationships affect start-up’s performance. By exchanging industrial information, the innovativeness and proactiveness of the technology start-up would be inspired, thus increase the level of entrepreneurial orientation and improve the performance. Moreover, through the research alliances which prompt the transfer of technologies and knowledge, the technological start-up companies can acquire complementary resources, improve its technological capabilities, and have better performance.


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